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I’ve dealt with bouts of physical pain throughout the years. Jaws, neck, and knees with their respective surgeries have each given me practice and NEW FOCUS into dealing with pain.

During each of those seasons I discovered that “pressing into the pain” actually became the catalyst to jumpstart relief. It may work differently for others, but as I sunk into the agony and allowed myself to experience it at its worst, I soon realized there was nowhere to go except UP! It’s as if I allowed myself to rebound off the bottom and hold on to the hope that freedom from pain would eventually be realized.

I’ve transferred this practice to my seasons of WAITING.

For most people waiting is difficult, and depending upon its duration, it can be sheer agony. We live in a fast paced world that values quick decision making and speedy resolution to problems. In short . . .

We don’t know how to wait, and we simply don’t see the value of it.

But God does!

He uses waiting to slow us down, humble us, and teach us how to depend upon Him.

So what’s my WAITING M.O.?

I sink into the pain of it, all the while talking to God and describing every ounce of my angst. I welcome His quick answer, but lean into what I know He’s trying to teach me during the process of waiting on Him.

As my friend Pam commented yesterday…

The very process of waiting means there’s an outcome, a light at the end of the tunnel!

And Friend when you belong to God, that “light of an outcome” is His promise for you.

Can you trust Him enough to value the waiting time? Can you simply rebound off the angst of the unknown, allowing Him to lift you into His certainty of your future in Him?

Let’s do it together, just like the psalmist . . .

 I wait patiently for the LORD, my soul expectantly waits, and in His word do I hope. (Psalm 130:5 Amplified Bible)

And AMEN to that!







During my times of suffering it brings me great encouragement to know that God understands and cares. Jesus Who was fully God, was also fully human. And as a human He suffered.

I know that’s true because of His outpouring on the night before His crucifixion. In His weak human nature which He willingly took on for our sake, His soul was in anguish. When His hour of betrayal was at hand, He cried out to the Father . . .

My soul is swallowed up in sorrow – to the point of death. (Mark 14:34 HCSB)

At that moment He was weak, fearful, and longing for the company of those closest to Him. He was not ashamed to express the suffering He felt openly, to those He loved.

What comfort this brings to me during those moments when I can’t seem to pull myself up by my spiritual bootstraps. And when I feel less than cheerful about bearing up under the weight of adversity, I know He gets it.

So when I hurt, I fall into the hurt. And then, I move straightforward into rest of the prayer of my Lord . . .

Nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will. (Mark 14:36 HCSB)

For the glory of His name, may we patiently endure seasons of suffering. May we remember He understands, for He’s been there. May we not discount the fact that He is allowing this particular heartache, and will see us through. 

Finally, may we never yield to despair but joyfully align ourselves with His perfect will.

Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 CEB)

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Have you ever had the kind of hurt that burrows way down to the deepest part of your soul, and then just sits there? It’s a silent type of suffering - one that hurts more perhaps, than the ones known to others. It’s silent because you just don’t feel you can share it. If you did, you’d be exposing yourself. Then your issue would become more a topic of gossip fodder perhaps, than one leading to prayerful outreach from others.

I believe that silent suffering is the suffering closest to God’s heart. For it’s during those deep moments of anguish that the soul is poised to tap into His mercy and grace.

When nobody cares, He does.

When there’s nowhere to turn, He’s there.

When no one else knows, He’s over every detail.

This morning as I read through The Beatitudes in Matthew 5, I was struck with that place of silent suffering. And I realized that Jesus gets it. He gets every morsel of the angst, sadness, remorse, confusion, and unsettling emotions of the suffering place, however it looks in your life. My epiphany came at the moment I realized that at the beginning of every low place . . . is the blessed place!

Blessed are the poor in spirit.

Blessed are those who mourn.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing right.

Blessed are you when people insult you because you follow Me.

Friend, take a moment and realize that Jesus is with you in the middle of your suffering. Draw near to Him, allowing His comfort to touch your heart and ease your pain.

He know. He cares. He blesses . . . as you turn to Him.

“The LORD is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.” - (Psalm 34:18 HCSB)




I’ve thought a lot about joy lately, how to share it and how to keep it stirred up inside of me. Thinking about bringing joy to God has encouraged me to behave in ways I know would please Him. I love a challenge, and especially one that makes me a better person.

I also love TEAMWORK. That’s why I’m tossing this challenge right back to YOU. Below you’ll find the steps for joining in. I hope you’ll embrace this little summons to joy, allowing it to attack some negative thinking (at least for a day, maybe longer).

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Several years ago the truth I discovered in Psalm 91:1 transformed my thinking and changed my life.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm91:1 Amplified)

Stable and fixed is certainly the cry of my heart. And it’s not just about me. Being more peaceful on the inside helps me be a better wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. And . . . being cool, calm, and collected even helps me accomplish more for the Lord.

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