
Several years ago the truth I discovered in Psalm 91:1 transformed my thinking and changed my life.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm91:1 Amplified)

Stable and fixed is certainly the cry of my heart. And it’s not just about me. Being more peaceful on the inside helps me be a better wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. And . . . being cool, calm, and collected even helps me accomplish more for the Lord.

My desire is that we join together in finding this place of peace, right in the middle of everyday chaos. We have a loving and attentive God who cares about every single moment of our daily living!

Being over-stretched, over-scheduled, and under-slept women – we can connect as family through this blog postYou'll receive updates about FRAZZLED-FEMALE events in your area, along with give-aways that will be sure to give you a perk in the throes of a stressful day.

Lots more encouragement and information to come; this is only the beginning. Please help our family grow and thrive by joining Cindi Wood Ministries on Facebook. Also check us out on Twitter and Instagram!
God designed us to live life - not free from stress, but victoriously moving about in the midst of it.

Joyfully workin' on that stable and fixed thing,


"I'd love the opportunity to encourage your women's group in person. Click here to get started."