How To Love...

I love how Mary of Bethany loved Jesus, as I picture her in the passage of Luke 10 38-40.
Surely the Lord’s eyes were captivating as she looked into His face. And the attention she gave to Him, drew her into His heart.

By contrast, Martha getting everything ready for their meal, was preoccupied. Her driving force was doing for Him, rather than loving Him.

Now, let’s not be misinformed; Martha also loved Jesus. Her passion for Him translated into serving Him – and that was a commendable thing, indeed.

And yet; Jesus said . . . Mary has chosen the better part. (Luke 10:42)

Two loves: Serving and Relationship.

Each worthy of praise and each received by our Lord. But as I consider the two, I know which summons my priority. I know in my heart of hearts that He longs for me to be more preoccupied with loving Him than in doing for Him. For He has told us which is the better part. And Jesus said . . .

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. (Matthew 22: 37,38 HCSB)

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