I was taught that it’s not acceptable to ignore someone. It’s rude, and  does not honor the person who is speaking to you. In fact - and more than once, NOT PAYING ATTENTION caused me to miss out on some important information intended for my ears.

But now, I’m learning that the behavior which often resulted in a reprimand, is the very one that brings a smiling approval from the Heart of my Father. It is . . . 


Why is this true?  Because . . . 

Satan is God’s enemy, and that makes him yours. 

Satan only speaks lies and he wants the WORST for you.

Satan is cunning and sugary-deceptive. He can sweet talk you and lure you into his schemes when you listen to him.

Satan steals the GLORY that belongs to God when you give him an ear.

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3)

Paul was writing this to a group of believers who were listening to false teaching. They were falling for the lies of the enemy rather than adhering to the truth of the gospel.

Paul is speaking TO YOU in this verse, as well. He underscores the truth about the devil who is continually whispering lies in your ears. He is cunning and leads you astray from your focus on Who Jesus is, and who you are in Him.

Take a few moments to think about it. How recent is it that you have fallen for these lies from the devil? (Notice how he plants them in 1st person so that you will interpret them as truth from yourself.)

I’m not good enough for God to use.

There are others much more capable than I am.

I stay so distracted when I’m reading my Bible, that I shouldn’t even try.

I’m no good at memorizing scripture.

I do not have the discipline it takes to exercise or to change my eating habits to eat healthy foods.

When I see myself in the mirror, all I see is a woman who has failed miserably.

I really have not accomplished much for God in my life.

God could never approve of the way I think and act.

I feel crabby and depressed, so it’s going to be a horrible day.

When others look at me, they see nothing special about my life.

This is merely a small sampling of the “designer lies” that originate in the minds of God’s children.

Now, listen to what James, the brother off Jesus offers as a practical strategy to kick the devil out of our minds.

So submit to the authority of God. Resist the devil, standing firm against him – and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

What a simple concept to understand, and yet not so easy to carry through.

 Helpful insights to spur you on:

-    To submit means to voluntarily give up self-control.

-    Only by submitting to God’s Authority, can you successfully resist the devil’s thoughts tossed into your mind.

-    You resist the whispering lies of the devil by standing firm on the Authority of God.

Taking a look at the phrase “resist the devil” you’ll notice that it’s written in the imperative. This is a command given by God. He does not issue any command without giving you the resources of His Holy Spirit to help you be successful in what He tells you to do.

It’s also helpful to note that this command is written in the perfect active tense, which refers to a completed action in the past - with the results of that action being relevant in the present.

What does that mean?

God defeated the devil and all his great variety of schemes on the cross with the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son Jesus the Christ.

That was a ONE-TIME VICTORY that was secured for you, with the VICTORY of that holy past moment still being THE VICTORY of all your present moments. 

In other words, you’ve already defeated the devil by submitting to Jesus as your Lord and Savior. In the moment when you step into the presence of Jesus, you will be perfectly complete. But for the time being – living here on earth in your “fleshly self” you have to do battle with Satan. 

As a Believer, the battle is never over your salvation, but within your daily thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

So; regarding Satan . . . IT’S ALWAYS TIME TO IGNORE!

YOU GET TO CHOOSE TO IGNORE THE VOICE OF SATAN SHOUTING IN YOUR THOUGHT LIFE! Nobody can do this for you. It is totally up to you to conquer him as he tries to sabotage your life of victory in Jesus.


Humble yourself.

Submit to God’s Authority.

Resist the devil, by shutting out his voice and standing firm.

Replace the voice of Satan with scripture and praise music.

Remember; God will never leave you on your own to do what He has told you to do. Ask for His Help. He’ll come running as the devil flees!

Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty.” Zephaniah 4:6




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Your Run-To

Need Validating?                 RUN TO JESUS!

God created YOU in His image – Genesis 1:27
He rejoices over YOU with singing – Zephaniah 3:17

 Need Fulfillment?                 RUN TO JESUS!
”Delight yourself in Him and He’ll give you fulfillment” – Psalm 37:4

  Need Joy?                              RUN TO JESUS!
Deliberately rejoicing will fill you with joy – Jeremiah 31:13

 Need Purpose?                      RUN TO JESUS!
Your purpose for living is in pleasing God – Philippians 2:13

He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”   (Psalm 40:2 NIV)

“Oh Father, Your Word reveals perfectly that everything I desire is found in YOU! Please teach me to run to You instead of looking to the world around me to meet my needs. Teach me to run to You instead of to the people in my life to meet my needs and satisfy my longings. It’s YOU alone Lord, Who will plant my feet on solid and emotionally stable ground. Thank You for inviting me to RUN TO YOU, over and over, and forever more. Amen.”



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Do You Have Your Father’s Eyes?

“All words are loaded with the quality of the soul out of which they proceed. Words are like eyes. Some eyes are inquisitive; others are pleading; others are brave; others are searching; others are mild and tender; and still others are low and mean. There is an invisible stream of soul-quality that flows out from people’s eyes, and there is no way in the world to change the quality of that stream except by changing the eye, and the only way to change the eye is to change the immortal spirit that looks out through the eyes.”

This quote is by George D Watson, theologian from the late 1880’s to early 1900’s. I have become quite interested in reading some of his messages on the “interior life” which explore the concept of our behaviors, and even our appearance, springing from what goes on within our inner beings.

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “eyes are windows to the soul”, that is often associated with the Biblical teaching suggesting that our eyes reflect our focus. What we “feed our eyes” can certainly influence our hearts. Keeping our eyes intentionally focused on God’s Word helps us keep our focus - reflecting His ways in our speech and behavior.

I’ve considered these past days, what my eyes have communicated during a busy and rather unsettling week.  

Being one who is an “easy read”, it’s almost impossible for me to hide my thoughts. Just recently, I’ve realized my eyes have shown traces of the following emotional and mental whirlwind of my soul: frustration, tiredness, confusion, helplessness, and sadness. I know this from the comments of some, and by seeing my own reflection in the mirror.

On the positive side, these eyes of mine have also communicated: joy, peace, tenderness, love, compassion, and loyalty.

The latter listing, definitely empowered through His Spirit living inside of me, Who helped me reflect my Father’s eyes, thoughts, and love to others around me.

Perhaps you’d like to join me in making it your holy ambition to let the LOVE OF JESUS shine through eyes that illuminate His Character, rather than looking out of a soul where the enemy has successfully taken the lead in thoughts and feelings. When we yield control to Satan in our thought life, it shows in our facial expressions. . . and from there, shows up in our behavior, body language, and negative speech.

It's truly a challenge, for we live in a negative world surrounded by circumstances that can easily fill us with anxiety, criticism, and general negativity.

But God’s Spirit living inside the Believer is greater than the ruler and schemer of this world. We CAN CHOOSE to yield control to Him, and He will help us reflect Christ to those people who annoy us. He will help us respond in those less than desirable circumstances that surround us – and help us counter every negative thought that jumps onboard threatening to make us LESS LIKE JESUS.

We simply and intentionally make the choice to allow His Spirit to take charge rather than give the enemy the upper hand.

The greatest compliment anyone could pay me would be . . .

You have your Father’s Eyes!

“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness.” (Matthew 6:22,23 NLT)

Dear Father, I long to have Eyes that radiate through a heart and mind consumed and preoccupied with You. It’s difficult to not show disappointment and critical thoughts at times. But those “looks” are not Yours. They belong to the enemy who wants to keep me from reflecting Your Character. Keep me alert and intentional in keeping my thought life pure and positive so that You and only You will be reflected in these eyes of mine. Amen.

Julie's Home-Going

My dear friend Julie Durham, LITERALLY WALKED right into the presence of Jesus last Thursday evening around 10:30.

The phrase literally walked is significant because Julie has been bed-ridden for much of her 67 years. Born with Spina bifida, she has not done a lot of walking for most of her life. Surgeries, body casts, braces, and her wheel chair were her norm.

Julie became dear to me about nineteen years ago when her niece Meg married our son Lane. During these years, I’ve gotten to know Julie and have grown close to her. My love for her is equaled only by my amazement of Jesus in her.

Julie became a believer, accepting The Gift of her salvation during her teenage years. There was that one moment in time when she chose to look deeper than, and beyond her circumstances - simply choosing by faith to admit she was a sinner and that it was Jesus’ death on the cross that made her righteous before our holy God.

She had lots of reasons – earthly speaking, to complain. But I never witnessed discontent from her. At every encounter, I simply saw a big smile – and when asked how she was doing, it was always I’m doing good.

I’m sure there had to be moments of crying out in despair and asking Why? That’s ok, for who of us in her situation would not have cried out to God searching for answers?

But deeper than her earthly plight, was her spiritual faith.  She didn’t try harder to be peaceful and joyful – that never works. She simply chose to believe that God loved her and had a wonderful plan for her. She knew that plan would probably be revealed in her next life, the Real One with Him for all eternity.

One reason I know the reality of what she believed, is that it came from her own mouth on the day of her Home-Going. She whispered these words . . .


She knew what was in store for her the moment she would leave that confining hospital bed. There was eagerness in those words – and peaceful excitement.

I was at that “watch party” last Thursday, waiting for Julie to step into the presence of Jesus. There was so much love in that room. There was such comfort poured out by those close to Julie. There was sadness intermingled with joy at what awaited her.

 I noticed “her status” written on the board in her hospital room, and it caught my attention; 

Julie Durham – Comfort Care – DNR.

As I reflected on everything that directive held for our Julie, I KNEW that soon her reality would move to a glorious status - 

Julie Durham – Holy Comfort – RR (resuscitated and resurrected).

We will celebrate Julie’s life on Friday. Family and friends will join together in a grand celebration of the reality of what happened in that ONE MOMENT when she was “freed-up” from earthly bondage. I’ve envisioned her jumping, dancing, and running . . . all after she bowed before her Lord and Savior.

And you know . . . I don’t pray for Julie anymore. I don’t have to. She has moved off my prayer list. I used to pray for …

Physical comfort – that’s been taken care of!
Emotional joy the JOY of Jesus took care of that one!
Faith, hope, and encouragement that she’s not been forgotten –
all fulfilled!

The morning after Julie moved to Heaven, I celebrated with the song written years ago by Don Moen.

If you could see me now
I’m walking streets of gold
If you could see me now
I’m standing tall and whole
If you could see me now
You’d know I’ve seen His face
If you could see me now
You’d know the pain’s erased
You wouldn’t want me
To ever leave this place
If only you could see me now


One moment of BELIEF changes your entire future, and I am celebrating




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How can I experience peace when my life is so stressful?

The first step to experiencing peace is to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ.  God has things to show you and teach you; supernatural things!  His truths are reserved for those who enter into a love relationship with Him.  You may click on HOW TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN on the homepage (Frazzledfemale.com) or in any Bible Studies from Cindi Wood Ministries to learn how to begin your life with Jesus.

How can a relationship with Jesus keep me from being stressed?

Life is hard and it’s stressful!  Having a relationship with Jesus Christ will not get rid of all your stress.  But as you grow deeper in love with Him day in and day out, you will notice that your focus shifts to Him throughout your day.  As you spend more time with Him, your hunger will grow and you’ll long to talk with Him and seek His guidance.  Gradually you will notice you are becoming more peaceful and joyful. 

Does God really love me and want to be with me?

Oh yes!  God loves you more than you can imagine and He is interested in every detail of your life.  He cares when you feel unappreciated and hurts when your life is a wreck.

Psalm 45:11 says that “He is enthralled by your beauty,” and “He holds your tears in a bottle” according to Psalm 56:8.  He wants you to think about Him and turn to Him as you go through the details (big and small) of your days.  By doing this, you will become more aware of Him and His extravagant love for you.

Does God care about ALL the details of my life?

Yes, He does!  Anything that bothers you matters to God.  If friends dismiss you – then God cares.  If you are overwhelmed about coming home to a dirty house when you’ve worked hard all day, He cares.  Furthermore – He longs to get involved in all those details.  I’m learning to talk and listen to His voice before I answer the phone, walk into the grocery store, and psyche myself up to exercise.  The more I bring Him into each and every detail of my day, the more I experience the reality of His love.  It’s a powerfully freeing way to live!

I really love the Lord.  Why do I still mess up?

Life is imperfect and so are we.  And sometimes – we just mess up.  I’m learning to take care of those “mess-up” times quickly.  I recognize my sinful behavior and remember the instruction of 1 John 1:9. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  I’m getting better (and quicker) at confessing and repenting as soon as I realize my less-than-holy behavior.  Sometimes, it’s hard to get over it because I feel so sad that I’ve grieved the heart of God.  But I do know that according to Scripture I am cleansed and righteous in the blood of Jesus.  And when I remember that TRUTH, then I get all excited realizing that God does not define me by my current struggle, but by my identity in Jesus Christ.

I’m growing in my relationship with Jesus.  What advice can you give me to help me keep growing?

First of all – just try to realize that Jesus Christ loves you so so much!  The more you can get a grip on the reality of His great love for you, the more you’ll fall in love with Him.  Know that He enjoys you and longs to be with you.  This will lead you to enjoying Him and longing to be with Him.   Scripture says to “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8).   God has made His passion known to us.  It’s an individual choice that each of us makes to move toward the heart of God.  If you long to do so, there will need to be some cost, energy, and effort on your part.  You might get up earlier in the morning to spend time with Him or refrain from watching tv or going out with friends at times.  You might choose to exercise alone so that you can have that time with Him or meditate on Scripture as you walk in your neighborhood.  However you do it, if you are truly pursuing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, you’ll do some things and make some changes to make that happen.  For me, there is no greater activity than enjoying the presence of God. . . and to know that He is enjoying my presence, too!

Remember that loving and knowing Jesus is a lifelong progression. Each day is part of the journey of learning His Mind and Heart.

“The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”  (Zeph. 3:17).

Simply Praise

"The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fail, for the LORD holds them
by the hand."      (Psalms 37:23-25)

I have put a glorious reality into practice this week. Right when my feet hit the floor - and sometimes before, I begin exalting God by singing those great old hymns and reading aloud, psalms of praise.

With intentional worship, my mind becomes calm, and my soul very settled.
Typically, there’s a battle in my mind going on during those first minutes awake. Items on my list of things to get done fight each other over which needs to be first.

And THEN, distractions hop onboard…distractions including people things, cleaning things, devotions to write and messages to teach - things. It doesn’t matter what sort of distraction – any ol’ one will do.

But now, although not perfect, I'm getting a handle on those annoyances that hijack my peace early in the mornings.

Simply put - it is to Simply Praise.

My first thoughts, first words, first heart-talk – all about Jesus and all to Jesus.

I'm training my mind to become aware of His Love and Presence the moment my body and soul roll out of bed.

This approach helps me to have a smoother and more joyful start to my day.

  • I speak to Jesus when my eyes open.

Hebrews 4:16 helps me with my prayer language. Lord, I come boldly to Your Throne of Grace. I come to find mercy and grace to help me and guide me through the details of my day ahead.

  • I then TAKE TIME to praise Him through music and psalms.

These moments are not rushed, for they lay the foundation for all my other prayers.

  • I then recognize and accept the help of The Spirit.

Soon it becomes apparent that Grace and Mercy are indeed empowering this sweet prayer time. I thank the Holy Spirit for helping me and being so patient with me as I try to stay “on task” in giving God the glory that is due Him.
And then, it’s time to move into talking with Him about the day’s details and moving into intercessory praying for all of those He’s called me to lift to Him.

But none of this happens BEFORE simply praising Jesus!

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. You have set Your glory above the heavens. When I look at Your night sky, the work of your fingers – the moon and stars, which you have set in place, I wonder . . . who am I that You would even think of me? I love You and I thank You that You have made me a little lower than Your angels and have crowned me with glory and honor. With all my heart I give you thanks. I will always sing praises to Your Name, oh Jesus. Amen.

Simply Praising Him First,

Frazzled Female Ministries
"Hope For The Weary"

Don't Throw Yourself Around

“Physical training is of some value, but godliness (spiritual training) is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.” (1 Timothy 4::8 AMP)
I enjoy doing a video workout with the legendary Billy Blanks. Billy’s Boot Camp, it’s called. Now while I’ve gone through this exercise routine for almost 20 years, a new revelation hit me this week

The program involves both cardiovascular and strength training. In one tiny moment, Billy’s one-liner was etched into my mind. It was during an arm exercise working on the shoulders ...

Don’t just throw yourself around -you gotta stay focused.

That instant - what God has been teaching me throughout the years, once again became reality for me. Disciplines learned in the “world” have a spiritual counterpart.

Now, for this workout the message was clear; don’t let your body just wave around wildly, but keep your movement strong, focused, and consistent until you complete the exercise.

I pictured the same being true for me each morning as I get up and turn my attention to worship and prepare my heart and mind to study God’s Word and pray for things going on around me. It also includes my intercessory prayers for family and friends.

Do YOU ever have trouble staying focused in your prayer and devotional time with God? Perhaps you too, could take the nudge from Billy to not throw your mind around, but learn to stay focused and intentional in your worship and prayer life.

I truly look forward to ONE DAY having the ability to be singular in my worship with a full heart and mind fixed on my God in praise and adoration. But for the time being I simply press on to become stronger in this endeavor of keeping focused and trying to minimalize distractions.  Far from perfect, but here are some strategies that lead me onward toward this goal:

*) Eyes opened, Mind captured.
It’s imperative to seize your mind the minute it “comes to life” as you awaken. You’ve just got to jump in there with Jesus, before the flesh sends you to various (and often meaningless) distractions. Living in a physical world affords us many opportunities to do things, be things, think things – that totally keep us from focusing on the unseen spiritual world. Instead, our focus flits and scurries  in a variety of other directions.

How do you capture your mind? THE BEST WAY IS TO QUOTE SCRIPTURE!

Search His Word and select a verse – or a passage, making  it your  morning routine to grab hold of it. Say it. Pray it to Jesus before your feet even touch the floor.

*) Defer leadership to The Holy Spirit.
As you pray your morning scripture, ask the Holy Spirit living inside of you to be THE LEADER during this time. Ask Him to guide your mind, believing He will and that He wants to and that He’s so glad you asked for His help. Thank Him for helping you worship whole-heartedly.

*) Worship and Praise.
Take some time to fully worship – praising God in song and scripture reading.

Join the Christians of old in praise. You can do this by reading the same prayers of joy and adoration they voiced - praying and affirming who God is through the psalms.

Read aloud joyfully and heartily as you praise God – just for being God! Ask The Spirit to help you be creative during your worship time as you engage with the Creator, Sustainer, and Savior of your life.

*) Focus on ONE THING at a time.
 Sharpen your focus as you go about your day. Ditch your multi-tasking prowess, and concentrate on “the one thing” before you. As you eat your meals, slowly savor the food and focus on the sheer delight of eating

If you’ll keep intentional in “focusing on one thing” in your physical activities, you will begin to see the transfer to your spiritual life. Keeping your mind centered as you engage in conversation, or clean your house, or drive your car – ALL WITHOUT ANY OTHER DISTRACTIONS – will help you more easily stay focused during your worship time. The discipline of “one thing focus” will transfer over to your spiritual life.

*) After adoring God, pray for yourself.
Before praying those hard prayers for others who need God to show up in their lives, it’s critical to get yourself covered in Jesus! Praying yourself through the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6 will keep you from being vulnerable as you enter enemy territory.

As you pray for protection, revelation of truth, and ability to endure for yourself, you can then move with confidence into intercessory prayer for others.

I have found this process to be vital in my prayer life as I pray for those in great need. The enemy does not want them to experience the answers to those prayers we pray. We must be fully covered with the power of His Righteousness as we present these dear ones to Jesus.

*) Relax and Enjoy.
As you intentionally come to God your Father, Jesus your Savior, The HolySpirit your Helper and Comforter – there’s great relaxation and sheer JOY in the holy and supernatural relationship you share. You experience a blessing that is beyond explanation and a confidence that bolsters your every movement throughout your day.
Awake. Mind Focused. Heart Engaged. God Experienced.
Dear Father, I long for deep fellowship with You – a walk that is enjoyable and confident and life-changing. Teach me, Holy Spirit. Help me stay focused and plunge me into those deep vivacious waters of grace. Thank You. I love You, long for You, and praise You. Amen.
Frazzled Female Ministries

The SOMEHOW Prayer

“For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26 ESV)


As children of God, through our relationship with Jesus, we are not left on our own to forge our way through the troubling circumstances of life.

Sometimes a particular “trouble” may pull you into despair, seizing your mind and heart.  As you become more fearful and anxious – either for yourself or a loved one – words become elusive in describing the torrent of emotions that have hi-jacked your soul.

It was during such moments, when I began to beseech my Father with SOMEHOW praying. I moved into really practicing this freeing prayer years ago when it occurred to me that I possessed no insight, nor resource, nor even the ability to give words to the anxiety that was surging in my soul. And right along with not knowing HOW to pray, I truly did not know WHAT to pray.
Somehow Jesus, will You take over the mind and heart of my child? This child (Your child) needs YOU to do what only You can do in this life and in this situation. According to Jeremiah 1:5 You knew all of Your children before You formed us in the womb. I trust You with Your child.

Somehow God of all knowledge and insight, will You let me know the best way to proceed – show me what’s right for me and for those I love? Your Word tells me in Psalm 32:8 that Your eyes will be my guide.

Somehow Lord, will You hold my hurting heart and mend it as only You  
 can mend? I read in Psalm 34:18 that
YOU are close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit.  I am both brokenhearted and crushed, and SOMEHOW, I need You to heal me.
This kind of praying is freeing – because it wipes out all self-effort, and places total dependence on God.

Perhaps you’ve had those moments when you’ve tried to pray over a situation, a loved one, or yourself. Maybe you’ve had to make a decision that would affect the rest of your life – and it simply HAD TO BE THE RIGHT ONE.

Also, there are those times when you fully confess your love and trust in God but you simply cannot understand WHY He allowed what He allowed. Moments like these can simply leave you clueless and speechless – and yes, heartless.

When we are so burdened with such pressure and pain that it’s impossible to verbalize our prayers, may we just remember that there’s hope and help available through the Holy Spirit.

As you grab hold of Him, loving Him and trusting Him – you can KNOW that God’s Spirit living inside of you is translating all those groans and sighs into “heart and spirit” language – taking every utterance straight to the Throne of God!

 ‘Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.”       (Romans 8:26 The Message)
Dear Father – my great Somehow God – I come before You today with anxiety in my heart. The “what-ifs” overwhelm me and the uneasiness consumes my thoughts and seems to paralyze me, keeping me from moving forward. I know Your desire for me is PEACE. Thank You that I can know that somehow You will make it all ok. I love You and I trust You. Amen.

The Terrible Wonderful Life

Eight days ago the Dawson family was enjoying a normal day of work and school. Robbie serves as Youth and Young Adult Pastor - and Erika, Communications Coordinator at Parkridge Church in Coral Springs, Florida. Robbie is one of five pastors, along with our son Lane at Parkridge Church.


At the end of her workday, Erika left for home.

Hours later, life dramatically changed!

Robbie returned home to discover that his beautiful (young and vibrant) wife had stepped into the presence of Jesus.

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It’s difficult to process and to understand WHY and HOW something so tragic could have taken place in the lives of these loving and faithful followers of Jesus. The world responds with cynicism and mockery regarding how a good God could allow such tragedy.

But for the Believer, our choice is to trust in God’s Sovereignty, anchoring our faith in Him when heartache, doubt, and hopelessness jump in to hi-jack our peace.

Last Sunday, four days after Erika’s Home-going, Pastor Eddie delivered God’s hope and encouragement to the many who filled that place of worship. It was a CALL to trust God during tragedy when confusion explodes inside hearts and minds.

Here’s my paraphrase of a small portion of his message - which is accurately meaningful to every Believer in Jesus, when tragedy strikes. It’s couched in John 16, and is for us – right here, right now.
(You can find the message in its entirety @ parkridgechurch.com)
Life Brings Confusion – That’s Reality

John 16 records a conversation between Jesus and His disciples. They had not yet put together all the pieces of what was about to happen. Jesus speaks to His friends, knowing that each one would either be martyred or exiled. He speaks in figurative language, along with the object lesson of a woman giving birth in pain, but experiencing sheer JOY at the birth of her baby.

His words outlining the future - what was about to happen, made no sense at all to those bewildered disciples.

Jesus Understands Our Confusion

This combination of “pain, sadness, and joy talk” caused them to question among themselves, What is He saying and what does He mean?

Jesus knew what was in their hearts, so He addresses their struggling questions.
Is this what You are asking yourselves?

God knows we can’t possibly understand WHY HE ALLOWS TRAGEDY IN OUR LIVES. He understands our heartache and our grappling with the unfair and unreasonable circumstances this world sometimes hurls at us.

He understands that we sometimes forget (and dismiss) that we live in a broken world with broken people.

In Our Struggling, He Calls Us To Trust Him

He, knowing we can’t POSSIBLY comprehend it all, wants us to run to Him – trusting Him when NOTHING makes sense.

Jesus comments to His friends that night . . . Here's the truth; you will weep and mourn – but your grief will turn to joy.

It is so counterintuitive to think of sorrow & suffering turning into Joy.
And yet, JESUS!

God is miraculous and HE can do it.



And, by faith, here’s what WE know –

Erika Dawson is not dead, she’s alive!

In fact, she’s more alive than she’s ever been. She has “sweetly and simply” stepped into the presence of Jesus. She beat us THERE, receiving a royal welcome into His Arms. One glorious day we will join her.

"Then our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will give you a glorious welcome into His Kingdom that will last forever.” (2 Peter 1:11 CEV)
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Erika’s Home-going service is now scheduled. There will be a packed-out crowd watching, listening, observing and wondering . . . how in the world this family can handle such a tragic loss.

Robbie will let them know, for in his heartache coupled with disbelief and confusion – he KNOWS it has nothing to do with this world – and he will share that truth as his heart and soul hurt.

The hope that fills his heart in the midst of grief – is where his faith rests and where his soul is anchored. He will share the gospel of Jesus in a strong way that day, in the conviction that he will be with her once again.

Death IS our enemy. Death robs us of the ones we love. Death steals our moments with them. For this reason it is so painful when those we love die. We were not made to die – but to live.

He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” (Mark 12:27)

Challenges lie ahead for this family. A husband is grieving the loss of his wife. Children are grieving the loss of their mother. Parents are grieving the loss of their child. Siblings are grieving the loss of their sister.

The Parkridge church family is also facing challenges: The youth and young adults are struggling in their grief as their pastor hurts and is not with them. Erika's role as Communications Coordinator is left vacant, while there are continual reminders throughout the facility that she is no longer with them. There will be extra effort to do the work that Robbie and Erika have responsibly done for years. The entire church staff and membership mourn her death and seek to console and offer the practical love of Jesus to this family, and to each other.

Meanwhile, the Joy of Jesus will keep Robbie moving. He will be reminded that JOY IS A PLACE WHEN IT IS NOT A FEELING.

The TRUTH of Who God is and Who we are in Him through Jesus, The Christ -  will keep all of them - and us moving!

Knowing that God has defeated our last enemy – DEATH – keeps us filled with joy as we look forward to stepping into His presence, fully alive in Christ.

Meanwhile, when tribulation hits, we can be confident and comforted by Who is truly in charge.

In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world!”
(words of Jesus to each of us – John 16:33)


I am quite impressed with the woman who shared her qualifications for forming new friendships.  "I pay attention when I'm in a group of women. If I hear anyone criticizing her husband, I'm sure we will not become close friends."

This gal was making choices that were pleasing to God, and based on His Word. God never forces us into relationships that would cause us to live less than holy lives. No, we are free to choose our friendships. Proverbs 4:23 admonishes us to . . . "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." She continued to share with me, that when she heard others complaining about their husbands and home-life, it became easy for her to come alongside them and chime in about the disappointments in her marriage. "So it's just best" she said, "that I remove myself from the temptation."

How discerning for this young wife and mother to look for friendships that are both honoring to God and edifying to self. Friendships with women who love the Lord are very important. But it's equally important to carefully examine the matters of the heart that we share with our girlfriends. I've witnessed too many conversations that took a wrong turn and ended up as gossip fodder. It can happen in a moment. That's why we must guard our hearts before opening our mouths! 

I have learned to go to God first, when I'm troubled. After pouring it all out, I ask Him to let me know if I should share with a trusted girlfriend. He always gives me a sense of what to do. Sometimes, I know that the matter is between the two of us, and there's no need to consult with another. At other times, I know I'm to share my concern so that my girlfriend and I can pray over it together.

Friend, there's no one who knows you like your Heavenly Father knows you. You are created in HIS image, remember? Loving Him first, is always the right choice. He then shows you how to love (and share with) others.

May we remember that our greatest FRIENDSHIP is the one we have with Christ Jesus. By growing that holy friendship first, we will become a better friend to those around us.

Dear Jesus, may Your Spirit prompt me when I am about to criticize another. May my conversation always be filled with only uplifting and encouraging comments. If there is something unfavorable I’m aware of – help me to keep my mouth shut instead of speaking negatively - even if true, to others around me. By Your grace, help me to be like You, Jesus, with words that edify and build others up, rather than tearing them down. Amen.

“Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.” Proverbs 10:19 NLT


Where’s Your Sound Mind?

But first, let's consider the distracted one. You know - the mind that can't function properly because it's scattered in so many directions. Any sisters out there? Answer this quiz to discover where YOU land on the Distracted Mind Scale.

Have you ever:

  • walked into a room to get something, forgetting what it was?

  • while dialing the phone, forgot who you were calling?

  • put something in a special place so you'd remember where it was, then forgot where you put it?

  • in the midst of a conversation, forgot what you were talking about?

When I poll women at Frazzled Female events about their mental stability, it's always in the context of being stretched to the max mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Truth is, nerves are sensitive and easily stirred by outside stimuli. Today's busy woman has so many thoughts, plans, and commitments that her mind's in a world of confusion.

But, there's hope! Since every believer has the Mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), each of us has a sound mind. . . we just have to locate it.

Now, WHERE did I place that SOUND MIND OF MINE????

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

Now that's straight up declaration from God's Word assuring us that His stability lives inside of us. Our part is to stir it up by remembering who we are in Christ, then moving about our day in that reality. What works for me is to attack the day head-on, before my duties begin, by getting alone with my Father.

I remember making that commitment as a young mother. At the end of the day I was too tired and distracted to even think, so I got up at 4:30 AM to have my worship time. This was before getting my children to school, and myself to the classroom where I taught.

My heart is still stirred by the "sweet response of my Lord" as I fell asleep each morning reading my Bible. . .

"I don't care that you fell asleep; I'm just glad you came".

My friend, God knows your schedule and He knows your heart. Remembering WHO you are in Christ, and taking the time to love Him and be with Him . . . will help you keep your sanity.

So the next time your mind wanders off and forgets to come back, remember it's only temporary. You have the SOUND MIND OF CHRIST living within you!

Dear Jesus, I accept Your Truth that I do have a SOUND MIIND – YOUR MIND, living inside of me. Help me to locate it, when I lose it. Help me to remember that You, Yourself are praying for me to keep my soundness and my one-ness in YOU. I love You Jesus. I rely on You as I move forward as Your daughter this day.

“I have given them the glory You gave me, so they may be ONE as We are ONE.”

(John 17:22 NLT)


The word "stewardship" more often than not, brings to mind financial responsibilities. I still remember,however, the moment God showed me that being a good steward was more encompassing than how I managed my money.

Preparing for a speaking event, I sat at my kitchen counter putting the final touches on a Time Management session. Pausing, I asked The Father to give me a particular scripture to help busy women learn how to manage their time. Within seconds, a verse that I had learned as a child sprang to mind.

" 'Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,' says the LORD of hosts, 'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.' "   (Malachi 3:10 NKJV)

Being a bit puzzled about that particular scripture coming to mind as the answer to my request, I said . . .

“But Lord, I said . . . TIME not TITHE.”

Those next audible words that came out of my mouth still bring a smile. As if He were sitting across from me intently looking into my face, God spoke…


My heart was immediately filled with joy, and not only for the women who would be at next week's conference, but for myself. I had often felt defeated because of not spending "enough time" with my Heavenly Father. Then there were those other women who seemed to have it all together, with no issues of consistently spending time with Jesus.

Oh I had good reasons; In my younger years it was children and a packed-out schedule that stole my minutes. Later years brought a speaking ministry and much preparation of studying and writing books.

But even so, it seemed that the moments I spent in devotion and ENJOYABLE Bible reading were a trivial offering to God whom I loved. That reality often filled me with sadness, along with guilt.

His tender words brought a healing balm to my remorseful soul that day. I was overcome with God's promise of blessing for those who love Him. You see, God honors a heart that longs to be with Him. Understanding the many hats you wear in your life, He calls you to faithfully spend time - even if it's a little time - with Him each day. Each season of life will offer a specific time allotment for getting to know and love God.

In your schedule right now, you may not have a lot of time, but you have SOME time, right? Allow God to bless you for loving Him enough to give Him your time. It’s about You and Jesus – no need to compare your times with Him to anyone else’s walk with Him.

As you worship and spend time talking out your hopes and dreams with the Lord, your soul will begin to feel satisfied. As your times of consistently stepping into Scripture with anticipation and expectancy increase– you’ll find you simply cannot get enough of these moments with Him.

A steward is one who “manages something on behalf of someone else.”

The REAL YOU – the one identified as His daughter or son living in all of His righteousness, has the opportunity to steward the FLESHLY YOU as you navigate through the ins and outs of earthly living.

How are you measuring up with your personal stewardship of SELF?

“Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.”    (Galatians 6:4,5 NLT)


Has a busy life kept you from a freshness that is yours in Christ?  Dear Christian, are you overwhelmed with pressures of living? Find yourself in the parable of the Good News sown into your heart…

"The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God's word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life . . ." Matthew 13:22

Jesus understands and longs to give us victory in THIS LIFE, not only in Heaven. Believing God's Word is true, we must not be content to experience His Truth half-heartedly.  Romans 6:4 explains that if we have joined Jesus through His death and resurrection, then "we too may live a new life." (NIV)

God has joy for His children! New Life here, and New Life there. Many Christians accept by faith the latter, but totally dismiss New Life on earth.

The Holy Spirit is opening my understanding about experiencing victory here and now by helping me grasp the reality of TWO stages of Salvation. Let's explore…

Salvation-There and Salvation-Here

We get the THERE reality. We see ourselves in our newly resurrected bodies experiencing joy and freedom from stress. We accept this by faith. The HERE reality remains the challenge; but we can accept it too by faith. How?

I believe the answer is quite simple. We must remember and keep remembering . . .WHO WE ARE IN JESUS! The roles I live in this life do not give me my identity. I am His Daughter clothed in Christ and filled with His glory!

I was once consumed with the "substitute identities" of wife, mother, speaker, writer - placing my worth as a woman on how well I measured up in these areas. Here's what I've discovered; when you place your identity in the world's system, you'll never measure up. You'll always strive to perform better and feel better about yourself. And the world will cheer you on.

Don't misunderstand. These roles are gifts from God, but they are not where we find our true identity!  His Daughter, clothed in His Righteousness, seeking only His Favor - is the Real Me, the True Me!

That's the work of The Cross, my friend. . . done, complete, finished.

May you allow this Good News to flourish today without being choked out!

Dear Father, I long to find my fulfillment in YOU. Thank You for saving my soul and allowing me the privilege of living life with You forever. I look forward to that day of no stress, no pains, no concerns at all. Now; help me to live my earthly life with new awareness of my true identity. I love the roles You have given me in this life, Thank You. But teach me to focus – really focus – on the Real Me as Your Daughter and Bride. Keeping that glorious spotlight shining in my heart will help me keep energized and productive for You. I Love You Jesus. Amen.


The power of love is astounding. I've seen women go without food, sleep, and sporting the latest fashion trends, all for the sake of love. I've seen them bleary-eyed from caring for the physically sick and heartsick, and run ragged from carrying out the many duties on the home-front. Indeed, women know how to assess the situation, determine what needs to be done, and move forward empowered by love.

How is it then, since we're so good at loving others, that we don't do a better job at loving ourselves? I'm not talking about a personal devotion time, exercise time, or even taking care of our mental and emotional states of being. While all of these areas are important, they will not lead you into victorious living. However, this one declaration will.

I accept and walk in the truth of who I am in Christ.

If you have chosen Jesus as Lord, then simply becoming aware of your identity in Him will keep you from struggling and striving to become someone you already are!

So, WHO are you?

You are complete.

God's Word tells you so in Colossians 2:10. There's nothing else to be added to your completion; not a relationship, finances, vocation, nor validation from others. Your completion is found in Christ alone.

You are free.

The Son has set you free, so you really are free, according to John 8:36. That means your feelings don't enslave you and it means you don't have to earn approval from God or others.

You are full of power.

It is beyond staggering to know that the same power that rose Jesus from the dead, resides in His children.

"The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you."

  (Romans 8:11 NLT)

You are lavished with love.

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:3 NIV)

Women are so hard on themselves. Is this true of you, my friend?

This very moment is the time to relax and find your place in the heart of God.

While you're doing so much for others, love yourself. Grasping the beauty and the power of Jesus loving and living inside of you will empower you to truly love yourself in the same way that Jesus loves you - and that's the GREATEST KIND OF LOVE!

You NEED this kind of love - the assurance of GOD'S LOVE - to help you navigate all the stressful issues of life.

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If you are having difficulty understanding God's love for you, please get in touch with us. Our Team would be honored to help you see yourself through God's Eyes.

"Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me enough to give Your life so that I may live forever with You. I don't understand how You can love me like this, but right now help me to accept the reality of Your love, knowing I can only do that through Your grace and mercy. I believe (sort of) but I want to believe completely. Amen." 


For more info about booking and Cindi Wood Ministries visit:

Visit FrazzledFemale.com



The day had just dawned and I was enjoying some moments in my comfy courtyard spot. I relish the quiet stillness of early morning.

That’s when I heard the B-u-z-z-z-z-z. . . . . .

I looked around, trying to find the source, but it would stop each time I turned my head. The search continued for about five minutes.

Then I spotted the big black bumblebee dipping into the center of a purple flower-let beside me.

Normally, I would move with quick action to shoo away this intruder of my privacy, but something stopped me.

I became intrigued with the beauty of this little creature, and its tactical approach to gathering the nectar it needed to keep thriving.

During these same moments, I recalled two conversations I’d overheard between “my daughters” and their children during the past weeks.

From different states and different surroundings, each mother was outside with a child, when one of God’s creatures (A BUG) disturbed their walk.

Both mothers halted their children from stomping, swatting, and shooing away, with words that caught my attention.

“No. Don’t hurt them, just leave them alone. This is where THEY live, and we invaded THEIR territory.”

Now I’m not a huge bug or bee fan, and I will do what I need to do QUICKLY to get rid of them if they breach my personal space.

But in this brief encounter with the bee and the flower and the words of “my girls” God was handing over two powerful spiritual realities to me.  I LISTENED and caught what He was saying.
First, He has provided everything I need to fortify me, nourish me, and provide for me. It’s all there waiting for me to accept this truth and to “drink it in” by recognizing it’s there. The security and nourishment are already in place.
Next, and for the time being, I am living in the enemy’s territory and invading his domain. While he wants to stomp me, swat me away, and render me dead and useless – God says NO! This one is mine and I am protecting her. I should not be surprised when trouble & trials come.
. . . . .
So, while not a perfect analogy – it is one that spoke powerfully to me as I sat in my happy place amongst the flowers and creatures – talking to Jesus.
It was a great reminder to acknowledge that all the JUNK keeping this world in such upheaval is because we’re living on Enemy Turf!
It was a great reminder that God has every provision I need already in place, no matter what happens.
Oh, and here’s another great reminder –
One day – when we step into our New and Perfect Home – bugs and bees, along with the Lion and the Lamb and EVERYONE who has professed Jesus as Lord – will live in perfect harmony, in a perfect home and sport a perfect body!
Yep, it was quite a holy mornin’ in the courtyard as God brought me close to His Heart – through a bee and a flower.

He who pays attention to the word of God will find good.
(Proverbs 16:20)

Paying Attention, Cindi


If you have doubts or questions about your salvation and want to learn more, please contact us through our website.


One of my all-time favorite classics is Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard.

I discovered it years ago while traveling to speak in the mountains of North Carolina. I remember that afternoon, stopping at a secondhand bookstore located in the quaint little sleepy town where I was staying.

Intrigued by a collection of old books displayed on a side-table, I picked this one up and was immediately captivated by the summary on the back.

Excited about relaxing and unwinding, I paid for my treasure and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening carried away by the sweet simplicity that sent powerful messages to my heart about following my Savior.

Hinds Feet on High Places is a beautiful allegory highlighting the yearning that God places in the hearts of His children, drawing them to new heights of love, joy, and victory through their daily struggles and wins.

I spent the rest of that day cozied up with Much-Afraid, the little deformed shepherdess who longed more than anything to follow The Loving Shepherd to the High Places.

During her journey, The Shepherd guides her and gives her two companions to help her along the way – Sorrow and Suffering accompany Much-Afraid as she embarks, and eventually makes it to High Places where she is transformed by her union with the Loving Shepherd.

One of the encounters along the way to the High Places, particularly touched my heart, giving me a deeper connection with God’s nearness during times of suffering . . .

On the last morning she was walking near the tents and huts of the desert dwellers, when in a lonely corner behind a wall she came upon a little flower, growing all alone. An old pipe was connected with a water tank. In the pipe was one tiny hole through which came an occasional drop of water. Where the drops fell one by one, there grew the little flower, though where the seed had come from, Much-Afraid could not imagine, for there were no birds anywhere and no other growing things.

She stopped over the lonely lovely little face lifted up so hopefully and bravely to the feeble drip, and cried out softly,

 “What is your name, little flower, for I never saw one like you before. “

The tiny plant answered at once in a tone as golden as itself,

“Behold me! My name is Acceptance With Joy.”

As the story continued Much-Afraid reflected upon the struggles in her life and became more than ever determined to face each trial – no matter how difficult – with acceptance and joy, for The Loving Shepherd had allowed each one to mold her and shape her and to ultimately lead her step by step to the High Places.

. . . .

This morning, stepping outside to water my flowers and to pray over  struggles and trials that often fill my prayer language . . . my eyes caught a lone flower, growing in a place where it had not been planted.

What JOY overwhelmed me, as I once again thought about Much-Afraid and her encounter with the little flower. Her heart relinquished its struggles as she submitted completely to The Loving Shepherd. I remembered her words . . . 

He has brought me here when I did not want to come for His own purpose. I, too, will look up into his face and say, Behold me! I am thy little handmaiden Acceptance-with-Joy. 

“The Lord GOD is my strength – my source of courage, my invincible army – He has made my feet steady and sure like hinds’ feet - and makes me walk forward with spiritual confidence on my high places of challenge and responsibility. “

(Habakkuk 3:19 AMP)

Joyfully Accepting,

If you have doubts or questions about your salvation and want to learn more, please contact us through our website.


For more info about booking and Cindi Wood Ministries visit:

Visit FrazzledFemale.com



In our Life Group, we are just finishing a series on what it was like LIVING LIFE under the Old Covenant.

We explored God's Covenants with Noah, Abraham, David, and the Covenant at Sinai.What a perfect time to review this devotion, written from my real life experience, describing my personal gratitude for living life within the New Covenant of GRACE.

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God used a recent personal experience to teach me in a deeper way, the doctrine of Law and Grace. It lasted only moments, but the impact of it was seared into my heart.

After a great morning with the gals who’d gathered at our Myrtle Beach location to dig deeper into God’s Word, I was headed to find some lunch. Pulling off a side road I began merging my car onto busy HWY 50l traffic, entering the stream of other drivers barreling down the freeway.

It was then I was busted by the long arm of the law!

Noticing the flashing lights behind me I thought, Surely he doesn’t mean ME -  after all, I’m just driving like everybody else is. The siren was the clue that it was time to pull over.

As I nervously made my way to the shoulder of the road, I whispered my “caught off guard default prayer” . . .

Lord, teach me something in this.

Looking in my rear view mirror I watched the patrolman’s authoritative approach. He patted my FBC window sticker as he asked why I was in such a hurry.

I felt locked in the vice of the law. I WAS.

I felt convicted and guilty. I WAS.

I felt helpless to exonerate myself. I WAS.

It made not one sliver of difference to him that I’d been teaching the Bible all morning, that I’d never had a ticket, and that I was a church-going gal. I’D BROKEN THE LAW.

A few minutes later I drove a couple of blocks and pulled into a parking lot to settle my nerves and examine the ticket I’d been given. There it was; my offense spelled out, along with my fine and court date. I felt horrible about the ticket, but I felt worse about telling my husband who was back home praying over this women’s retreat!

With a deep breath, I laid it all out in one quick text . . . caught speeding, ticketed, and fined.

His response came back in seconds, and I realized my Father had answered my prayer to “teach me something in this”. Through my tears I read . . .

Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. It’s ok.

That was it. No condemnation, no reprimand nor criticism.

In that moment, I caught a holy glimpse of the Authority of the Law and the Extravagance of Mercy.

Holy God, Forgiving Jesus, Loving Husband – That’s GRACE!

The law came along to multiply the trespass. But where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more.           ( Romans 5:20 CSB)

Recipient of Extravagant Grace,                             

If you have doubts or questions about your salvation and want to learn more, please contact us through our website. FrazzledFemale.com

Three Reasons We Need Scripture

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.”

(Psalm 119:105)

There is not a passing day when we are not in need of God’s peace and grace. We work, we nourish, we provide, inspire, and organize. We need Jesus to make it through our busy days. Each morning we need His sanity to face what’s ahead. We need Him to keep us pumped up and filled up as we run around in the earthly roles He has assigned us.

God is willing to supply fresh energy as we navigate through the morning, afternoon, and evening hours. He offers to guide us in the countless decisions we make on a daily basis. But how do we latch hold of all He graciously extends?


Not in casually glancing at it or working our way through a chapter or two so that we can mark that duty off our list—but in a living, breathing, and active connection with God through the Word He has generously put into our hands.

Here are three obvious reasons every Believer needs a hefty supply of Scripture in his or her arsenal:


Focusing on a certain verse or passage gives you more than a good feeling; it empowers you with God’s ability to deal. God gives us “other-worldly” help, and I sure need it! As His children He equips us with all the peace of mind and stamina for each and every situation we face. But we must hold on to this reality by keeping Scripture anchored in our mind and heart.

You see, His Spirit is within each of us and is willing to empower us if we ask Him. In Colossians 1:11, Paul prays for believers to be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience. That strengthening power comes from God’s Word.


We make countless choices every day. These choices have to do with things on the home-front, health, finances, plans for the future, children activities, and our personal well-being. Many times, the choices we make have to do with caregiving of those we love. The responsibility we feel is often heavy. God through His Word is willing to guide us in all the choices we make. We need His Word to support us and encourage us as we step forward in faith, trusting Him to do what He says He will do.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you (Psalm 32:8 NIV.)


Spending time with God in Scripture study will banish boredom and enlarge your heart to experience Him in a fresh way. Being intentional to read and speak Scripture will position you to grab hold of fresh energy and delights only to be experienced by savoring His promises found in the Bible.

God wants to “show you” His Heart, and He does that as you develop a love for reading about Him in His Word. It’s the best plan of action for finding purposeful living and joy for your journey.

Dear Father, reveal to me Your love for me by giving me an increased desire to plunge into Your Word. Teach me discipline to read, study, and memorize Your Gift as a loving Father to His child. Help me to make time enjoying Your Bible – a priority every single day. Thank You for loving me and for never giving up on me. In the strong name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

God Has A Blessing For You

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”    (Ephesians 1:3 NIV)

God has given us earthly families. We feel special within our tribes, and there’s a comfort we experience with those we call family.

God selected a group to be special to Him. The descendants of Abraham are referred to as God’s chosen people. This doesn’t mean they’re better than others – but that God chose them to be conduits through which the rest of humanity might be blessed with a relationship with Him.

Genesis is a book of beginnings.

Chapters 1 & 2 record the Creation account.

Chapter 3 documents the entrance of SIN into the world.

Chapters 4-11 reveal the ongoing rebelliousness of humankind against the Lord God and its effects on the generations that followed.


There continues to be ongoing rebelliousness of humankind against the Lord God. The effects of sin have been passed down through the generations but . . .


Here’s a wonderful fact about our Creator-God. He is also our Redeemer-God.

As Redeemer we learn about His lavish mercy, love, and grace. These qualities give confidence to those who trust Him, knowing and believing He does all things right and well.

This story of redemption, restoration, and reconciliation begins with the record in Genesis chapter 12 with the call of Abraham from Sumerian paganism to faith in the living Lord God.

God chose, and Abraham responded with unbridled faith. God gave him a set of unconditional promises. He would have innumerable descendants and bring blessings to all nations.

Abraham left the heritage of his past, his homeland, and his clan to claim a new future. Even though he was not certain about that FUTURE, he left it all. Furthermore – the future of his own family line appeared bleak for he had no offspring to perpetuate his name. He was troubled and fearful. However, God called for him to trust Him.

As time went on, this faithful man continued to be troubled that he had no heir, even though God promised that he would. He trusted, remained trustworthy, and obeyed while in the midst of unsettling circumstances – WITH NO PROOF THAT GOD WOULD DO WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO.

Every story has a beginning, and ours begins with Abraham.

In Old Testament times, God made a covenant with His people through an individual. (Last week’s blog explored the life of Noah. This week we take a look at the journey of  Abraham’s life.)

God’s Covenant to a select group of people through Abraham - was a pledge and a promise to bring this designated people group to Himself for relationship and joy.

Imagine Abraham as “the root” of the church. Through a covenant (a promise pledged) God chose him to be the leader of his “chosen ones”.

God’s love-relationship with a designated group began through Abraham.

Then, many years later, a new covenant was issued, and the GOD-MAN JESUS, was The One God chose to carry it out.

Who are these people that God, through Jesus has designated to be a part of this promise?


For this reason Christ is the one who arranges a new covenant, so that those who have been called by God may receive the eternal blessings that God has promised (Hebrews 9:15 GNT.)

We as believers in Jesus have been grafted into this eternal promise of God – one of relationship, joy, and living with Him throughout eternity.

Through Abraham, our Old Testament brother, we see a worthy model for all of us who are now called out as the people of God, to share His promises and bring blessing to our world.

For Abraham, God’s call was personal, simple, and direct. He simply told him. . . GO FROM YOUR LAND. 

To obey that call, meant that Abraham had to respond with action and obedience.

For us, the same is true. God’s call on our life is personal, simple, and direct. We are called to believe that God is who He says He is, and to believe that His Son Jesus has saved us from the wrath of God through His shed blood on the cross.

And then when we believe, we are to live our lives in holy living – trusting and obeying God as He directs us throughout our individual journeys.

God challenged Abraham to trust and obey Him, in the promise of a new land and many descendants.

 Abraham began his journey before seeing the end result of God’s promise.

The Lord typically reveals His plan for our lives progressively rather than all at once. If we saw it all, we would likely be frightened at the plan. Just as with Abraham, God wants us to obey and trust Him and act by faith. THAT IS PART OF THE PLAN.

In fact. . . the JOURNEY may be the most important part.

Think It Over

Is there something the Lord is calling you to do? Maybe it’s to step out of your comfort zone to do or say something. Maybe it’s to make an extreme sacrifice. Maybe it’s to lead a Bible study or to make a phone call to a friend and offer help.

Any of these things (and others) may cause you anxiety and cause you to doubt your ability to do something that is perhaps uncomfortable for you.


Maybe. And if so, how do you find the strength to answer the call?

Simply step out in obedience by faith.

Plant a scripture in your mind to keep you strong and encouraged.

Move forward, taking God at His word that He will be with you and enable you to do what He is calling you to do.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock (Isaiah 26:3,4 NLT.)

Remember; God never calls you to do something that He will not equip you to do!

Dear Father, Thank You for lovingly leading me – particularly nudging me back to Your path when my mind gets distracted. I know that You are continually calling me to be on the move for You – in some way. Keep my heart obedient in my thoughts and steps. Help me remember that as You steer my course, it is totally SAFE for me to take both hands off the wheel. I trust You and follow Your lead in these present moments. In the strong name of Jesus I pray, Amen

Trusting His Plan,

The Promise Maker


“I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”  (Genesis 9:13)

I’ve been thinking about Noah recently – you know, stepping into scripture, and imagining being there alongside him as he heard from God.

The Bible tells us that Noah was a God-fearing man living in a society marked by violence and evil. Those around him and his family, simply ignored God’s warning of impending judgment – all the way until it was carried out. Through God’s design all living things upon the face of the earth were wiped out through a massive deluge of water.

The man Noah, however, found favor with God. He listened to Him; he believed Him. So when God told him to build a large watertight floating vessel as a place of refuge and safety for him and his family – along with specified animal types, Noah set to work!

I’ve thought about the many ways he surely had to endure ridicule and mockery during the building of that vessel. I’ve also imagined those same scoffers and mockers – perhaps clawing at the ark screaming to be let inside, as the waters came and rose. Horrific imagery to me.

You can read Noah’s saga beginning in Genesis 6 – perhaps taking some extra time to put yourself right there in this unfolding drama of rescue will help you become interested in a greater way, the place of safety and rescue that we believers find in the Heart of God. These promises made to Noah and his family are promises made to us.

Just as the waters came at the order of God, 150 days later they began to recede according to God’s plan. At Day 370, God told Noah and his family to leave the ark, along with the animals. This was also God’s plan.

It’s important that we do not miss Noah’s next building venture.

This time it was an altar to worship the LORD.

Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and took some of every clean animal – and offered burnt offerings on the altar.  (Genesis 8:20)

God was pleased as He smelled the pleasing aroma (vs. 21.) And in His pleasure He responded with a promise to Noah, his family, and the earth He created. That promise is marked with God’s Rainbow in the sky.


Noah obeyed – amidst ridicule and no visible truth that God was who He said He was or proof that He would do what He said He would do.

He was diligent to carry out God’s instructions even though the project (according to theologians) took 55-75 years to complete.

Because of his obedience, Noah and his family were rescued from God’s wrath.

When it was all over, Noah worshipped.

God was pleased.

In His pleasure, God made a promise. And within this promise, God gave Noah a fresh start in his new season of life.

What was true in Noah’s day is true in ours.

There is a day coming when God’s wrath will once again boil over. He will punish the sin on this earth – honestly isn’t it hard to believe it hasn’t yet happened?

For the Believer, there’s hope and joy and excitement – for we, just like Noah, will be redeemed during these years of horrid tribulation that happen after the rapture of the church.

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.          (1Thessalonians 4:16-18 NIV.)

God’s call to remove those who have received their salvation from Him – could literally happen at any moment. There will be no alarm sounding or minutes of preparation to acknowledge Him. 

All who have found favor with God, by placing their trust in the salvation provided by Christ on the cross, will escape God’s wrath - the wrath that will bring on judgment and punishment for violence, evil, and dismissing God.

Friend, have YOU found favor with God by accepting His free gift of salvation? Are you living these days in anticipation of soon seeing Jesus? Are you living a life obeying God and enjoying His presence as you go about your daily activities involving family, care-giving, paying bills, and recreation time?

You may be a Believer, but going through very difficult trials during these days. I want to remind you that God will sustain you and strengthen you. Just as God’s grace sustained Noah when those massive waters literally drowned out EVERYTHING he had known, His grace WILL SEE YOU THROUGH.

Noah moved into a new season of life – different and unfamiliar, God was in it and sustained him through it. God saw him through during the trial and also as he stepped into his new season of life.

God’s grace and mercy are always in the fiery trials, the floods, and the NEW SEASONS OF LIFE. He is faithful to step you into YOUR new season that is before you.     

A covenant is promise – a binding agreement between two parties that establishes them in a mutually committed relationship.


God’s invitation to us to enter into a covenant with Him is through the death of His Son on the cross. Just as the ark had ONE DOOR for Noah, his family, and the animals to enter – there’s ONE DOOR to enter this covenant relationship with God; JESUS!

When Thomas questioned Jesus about where He was going and how we could get there (John 14:5) Jesus answered,

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” (John 14:6 NIV.)

God has promised to keep us safe during the horrors of the tribulation years. He has made that Promise and Provision through Jesus, the Christ. God keeps His promise.

But for the unbeliever, time is running out. When Noah had completed his assignment of building and getting his family and animals onboard – God shut the door.

Then the LORD closed the door behind them (Genesis 7:16 NLT.)

When God closes a door – it’s closed with no hope of squeezing in.

To be on the inside of that promise, you must choose Him before God closes the door. 

The life of Noah is a great and timely reminder to walk in a manner pleasing to our Lord, to obey Him, worship Him, and be ready for His soon return.

And – just like Noah - continuing to speak truth to an unbelieving world until the moment just before God closes the door.

Father, thank You for Your Word that shows us Your grace and mercy. Thank You for letting us glimpse – through the life of Noah – great encouragement and hope as we live in a world filled with those who do not worship you and walk in Your ways. Help us to never tire of speaking and teaching Your salvation to those lost and dying around us. We look forward to Your soon return. Amen.

Passionate To Teach,