


During my times of suffering it brings me great encouragement to know that God understands and cares. Jesus Who was fully God, was also fully human. And as a human He suffered.

I know that’s true because of His outpouring on the night before His crucifixion. In His weak human nature which He willingly took on for our sake, His soul was in anguish. When His hour of betrayal was at hand, He cried out to the Father . . .

My soul is swallowed up in sorrow – to the point of death. (Mark 14:34 HCSB)

At that moment He was weak, fearful, and longing for the company of those closest to Him. He was not ashamed to express the suffering He felt openly, to those He loved.

What comfort this brings to me during those moments when I can’t seem to pull myself up by my spiritual bootstraps. And when I feel less than cheerful about bearing up under the weight of adversity, I know He gets it.

So when I hurt, I fall into the hurt. And then, I move straightforward into rest of the prayer of my Lord . . .

Nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will. (Mark 14:36 HCSB)

For the glory of His name, may we patiently endure seasons of suffering. May we remember He understands, for He’s been there. May we not discount the fact that He is allowing this particular heartache, and will see us through. 

Finally, may we never yield to despair but joyfully align ourselves with His perfect will.

Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 CEB)

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