Do You Have Your Father’s Eyes?

“All words are loaded with the quality of the soul out of which they proceed. Words are like eyes. Some eyes are inquisitive; others are pleading; others are brave; others are searching; others are mild and tender; and still others are low and mean. There is an invisible stream of soul-quality that flows out from people’s eyes, and there is no way in the world to change the quality of that stream except by changing the eye, and the only way to change the eye is to change the immortal spirit that looks out through the eyes.”

This quote is by George D Watson, theologian from the late 1880’s to early 1900’s. I have become quite interested in reading some of his messages on the “interior life” which explore the concept of our behaviors, and even our appearance, springing from what goes on within our inner beings.

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “eyes are windows to the soul”, that is often associated with the Biblical teaching suggesting that our eyes reflect our focus. What we “feed our eyes” can certainly influence our hearts. Keeping our eyes intentionally focused on God’s Word helps us keep our focus - reflecting His ways in our speech and behavior.

I’ve considered these past days, what my eyes have communicated during a busy and rather unsettling week.  

Being one who is an “easy read”, it’s almost impossible for me to hide my thoughts. Just recently, I’ve realized my eyes have shown traces of the following emotional and mental whirlwind of my soul: frustration, tiredness, confusion, helplessness, and sadness. I know this from the comments of some, and by seeing my own reflection in the mirror.

On the positive side, these eyes of mine have also communicated: joy, peace, tenderness, love, compassion, and loyalty.

The latter listing, definitely empowered through His Spirit living inside of me, Who helped me reflect my Father’s eyes, thoughts, and love to others around me.

Perhaps you’d like to join me in making it your holy ambition to let the LOVE OF JESUS shine through eyes that illuminate His Character, rather than looking out of a soul where the enemy has successfully taken the lead in thoughts and feelings. When we yield control to Satan in our thought life, it shows in our facial expressions. . . and from there, shows up in our behavior, body language, and negative speech.

It's truly a challenge, for we live in a negative world surrounded by circumstances that can easily fill us with anxiety, criticism, and general negativity.

But God’s Spirit living inside the Believer is greater than the ruler and schemer of this world. We CAN CHOOSE to yield control to Him, and He will help us reflect Christ to those people who annoy us. He will help us respond in those less than desirable circumstances that surround us – and help us counter every negative thought that jumps onboard threatening to make us LESS LIKE JESUS.

We simply and intentionally make the choice to allow His Spirit to take charge rather than give the enemy the upper hand.

The greatest compliment anyone could pay me would be . . .

You have your Father’s Eyes!

“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness.” (Matthew 6:22,23 NLT)

Dear Father, I long to have Eyes that radiate through a heart and mind consumed and preoccupied with You. It’s difficult to not show disappointment and critical thoughts at times. But those “looks” are not Yours. They belong to the enemy who wants to keep me from reflecting Your Character. Keep me alert and intentional in keeping my thought life pure and positive so that You and only You will be reflected in these eyes of mine. Amen.