I was taught that it’s not acceptable to ignore someone. It’s rude, and  does not honor the person who is speaking to you. In fact - and more than once, NOT PAYING ATTENTION caused me to miss out on some important information intended for my ears.

But now, I’m learning that the behavior which often resulted in a reprimand, is the very one that brings a smiling approval from the Heart of my Father. It is . . . 


Why is this true?  Because . . . 

Satan is God’s enemy, and that makes him yours. 

Satan only speaks lies and he wants the WORST for you.

Satan is cunning and sugary-deceptive. He can sweet talk you and lure you into his schemes when you listen to him.

Satan steals the GLORY that belongs to God when you give him an ear.

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3)

Paul was writing this to a group of believers who were listening to false teaching. They were falling for the lies of the enemy rather than adhering to the truth of the gospel.

Paul is speaking TO YOU in this verse, as well. He underscores the truth about the devil who is continually whispering lies in your ears. He is cunning and leads you astray from your focus on Who Jesus is, and who you are in Him.

Take a few moments to think about it. How recent is it that you have fallen for these lies from the devil? (Notice how he plants them in 1st person so that you will interpret them as truth from yourself.)

I’m not good enough for God to use.

There are others much more capable than I am.

I stay so distracted when I’m reading my Bible, that I shouldn’t even try.

I’m no good at memorizing scripture.

I do not have the discipline it takes to exercise or to change my eating habits to eat healthy foods.

When I see myself in the mirror, all I see is a woman who has failed miserably.

I really have not accomplished much for God in my life.

God could never approve of the way I think and act.

I feel crabby and depressed, so it’s going to be a horrible day.

When others look at me, they see nothing special about my life.

This is merely a small sampling of the “designer lies” that originate in the minds of God’s children.

Now, listen to what James, the brother off Jesus offers as a practical strategy to kick the devil out of our minds.

So submit to the authority of God. Resist the devil, standing firm against him – and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

What a simple concept to understand, and yet not so easy to carry through.

 Helpful insights to spur you on:

-    To submit means to voluntarily give up self-control.

-    Only by submitting to God’s Authority, can you successfully resist the devil’s thoughts tossed into your mind.

-    You resist the whispering lies of the devil by standing firm on the Authority of God.

Taking a look at the phrase “resist the devil” you’ll notice that it’s written in the imperative. This is a command given by God. He does not issue any command without giving you the resources of His Holy Spirit to help you be successful in what He tells you to do.

It’s also helpful to note that this command is written in the perfect active tense, which refers to a completed action in the past - with the results of that action being relevant in the present.

What does that mean?

God defeated the devil and all his great variety of schemes on the cross with the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son Jesus the Christ.

That was a ONE-TIME VICTORY that was secured for you, with the VICTORY of that holy past moment still being THE VICTORY of all your present moments. 

In other words, you’ve already defeated the devil by submitting to Jesus as your Lord and Savior. In the moment when you step into the presence of Jesus, you will be perfectly complete. But for the time being – living here on earth in your “fleshly self” you have to do battle with Satan. 

As a Believer, the battle is never over your salvation, but within your daily thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

So; regarding Satan . . . IT’S ALWAYS TIME TO IGNORE!

YOU GET TO CHOOSE TO IGNORE THE VOICE OF SATAN SHOUTING IN YOUR THOUGHT LIFE! Nobody can do this for you. It is totally up to you to conquer him as he tries to sabotage your life of victory in Jesus.


Humble yourself.

Submit to God’s Authority.

Resist the devil, by shutting out his voice and standing firm.

Replace the voice of Satan with scripture and praise music.

Remember; God will never leave you on your own to do what He has told you to do. Ask for His Help. He’ll come running as the devil flees!

Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty.” Zephaniah 4:6




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