Creating Godly Habits

As we discipline ourselves to praise God, memorize scripture, study the Bible, along with any other spiritual behaviors that we do consistently – we will create great habits. What you begin as a “habit with God’ can lead you deeper into your love relationship with your Lord. When you faithfully and consistently meet Him at that quiet place, worshiping Him with a heart full of love, that godly discipline will turn into a love gift, one you can hardly wait to give to Him.

As you enter into this time of daily commitment, it may feel awkward. For me, it took a while to learn exactly how to be quiet and still. Just keep at it. It will get easier, the distractions will lessen, and you’ll get more comfortable in “this place”. Remember, the Holy Spirit will help you in growing this love relationship too. Just relax and enjoy each day of the journey.

You may find it helpful to have a guideline to follow. The following list helped me establish an early morning routine. As time passed, I added some other things as well.

·      I pray Psalm 143:8 “Cause me to hear Your loving-kindness in the morning, for on You do I lean and in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my inner self to You.” (AMPC)


·      Next, I spend time thanking Him. Often, I mentally go through the previous day, thanking Him for how He was involved in each event, conversation, errand, and so forth. I thank Him for saving me and for pursuing a love relationship with me.

·      I offer Him a repentant heart seeking forgiveness for specific sins and for missing the mark of holiness in certain thoughts and behaviors.

·      I welcome the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit – asking Him to intervene in the specifics, whatever they are, in the day ahead.

There’s no perfect plan or magical formula for spending time with Him. For as the seasons have changed, so has my approach to being with Him.

Just make the effort to be with Him, drawing near with a spirit of eagerness. He’ll bless you in ways you simply can’t imagine!

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