Law and Grace


God used a recent personal experience to teach me in a deeper way the doctrine of Law and Grace. It lasted only moments, but the impact of it was seared into my heart.

After a great morning with the gals who’d gathered at our Myrtle Beach location to dig deeper into God’s Word, I was headed to find some lunch. Pulling off a side road I began merging my car onto busy HWY 50l traffic, entering the stream of other drivers barreling down the freeway.

It was then I was busted by the long arm of the law!

Noticing the flashing lights behind me I thought, Surely he doesn’t mean ME -  after all, I’m just driving like everybody else is. The siren was the clue that it was time to pull over.

As I nervously made my way to the shoulder of the road, I whispered my “caught off guard default prayer” . . .

Lord, teach me something in this.

Looking in my rear view mirror I watched the patrolman’s authoritative approach. He patted my FBC window sticker as he asked why I was in such a hurry.

I felt locked in the vice of the law. I WAS.

I felt convicted and guilty. I WAS.

I felt helpless to exonerate myself. I WAS.

It made not one sliver of difference to him that I’d been teaching the Bible all morning, that I’d never had a ticket, and that I was a church-going gal. I’D BROKEN THE LAW.

A few minutes later I drove a couple of blocks and pulled into a parking lot to settle my nerves and examine the ticket I’d been given. There it was; my offense spelled out, along with my fine and court date. I felt horrible about the ticket, but I felt worse about telling my husband who was back home praying over this women’s retreat!

With a deep breath, I laid it all out in one quick text . . . caught speeding, ticketed, and fined.

His response came back in seconds, and I realized my Father had answered my prayer to “teach me something in this”. Through my tears I read . . .

Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. It’s ok.

That was it. No condemnation, no reprimand nor criticism.

In that moment, I caught a holy glimpse of the Authority of the Law and the Extravagance of Mercy.

Holy God, Forgiving Jesus, Loving Husband – That’s GRACE!

The law came along to multiply the trespass. But where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more.                                    Romans 5:20 CSB

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