God Reveals As We Obey


God spoke directly to me over an obedience matter this week. He instant-messaged me right in the middle of reading His Word. Yep, I just happened to be reading exactly what I needed to be reading at the time I needed this word of encouragement from Him.

Imagine that!

In the passage about Abram in Genesis 12, several principles were highlighted right before my eyes and transferred to my heart.

God called Abram to do something that required movement on Abram’s part.

Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. (vs. 1)

Abram obeyed God’s instruction.

So Abram went, as the LORD had told him. (vs. 4)

Then, God revealed more of the plan.

The LORD appeared to Abram and said … (vs. 7)

Abram worshiped.

So he built an altar there to the LORD who had appeared to him.

 (vs. 7)

Do you see the principle at work here? It’s simple:

1.   God tells us to do something.

2.   We obey.

3.   God reveals more, once we obey.

4.   We worship.

What a model from scripture showing us how God lays out His plan for us, incrementally. He usually doesn’t allow us to see the future result which a simple & obedient act of faith – and then another, then another - will eventually produce. He only calls us to be obedient step by step. And as we obey each step, He reveals more of His plan.

I’ve imagined Abram’s faith walk, step by step. He was 75 years old when God first presented His plan of blessing his descendants. It was a quarter of a century later that Isaac, his promised offspring was born.

Abram did take some side steps, veering off the path. He was assisted by his wife, Sarai. You can read about them in Genesis 16. But he kept on, trying to remain faithful. He believed what God had told him, and the scriptures say God credited it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:6)

Now, I don’t have it all figured out. But I KNOW when God tells me to do a thing, and I know He expects me to do it. As I move in a little obedient step, He reveals more of His plan. Sometimes, it’s only the next step. But I’ve learned to worship along the way, expecting more and more of His revelation to come as I move forward and praise Him in each new moment of hearing from Him.

May I just give a word of encouragement?

Listen for God to speak regarding family, career, friends, church, ANY circumstance that unfolds before you. And if He tells you to DO something, obey quickly and wholeheartedly. Then praise Him that He gave you the fortitude to trust Him as your Father, as you obeyed Him as His child.

And in it all, WORSHIP! Get excited that you are part of God’s plan, and know that when you trust & obey He credits it to you as righteousness.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. (Psalm 32:8 NIV)

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