Choose What's Healthy


Recently our five year old Lily, along with her three year old sister Sadie, joined us for an overnighter while their parents attended a soccer game in Charlotte, NC. The 30 mile ride to our Kings Mountain home was quite eventful, because I was reminded in a huge way of the importance of teaching children early in life to make wise choices.

We were headed for a quick meal at Chick-fil-A before getting tucked in for the night. Discussing our food choices before we got there, Lily piped up;

I’m going to get WATER with my meal. I’m choosing to do what’s good for my body. Then she encouraged her younger sister to make the same healthy choice. Sadie was at first resistant, but then decided to go along with her sister’s plan drinking water instead of the coveted chocolate milk.

I was impressed as I listened from the front seat. First, really amazed at the deliberate choice that Lily made, and then pleased that Sadie decided to get onboard.

Of course, there are important lessons here for us BIG KIDS too!

Regarding HEALTHY Food Choices

Do you make an intentional effort everyday to choose foods that are packed full of vitamins and nutrients? You know – foods that will give you plenty of energy to accomplish all the things you need to get done?

Regarding HEALTHY Spiritual Food Choices

Do you make an intentional effort everyday to choose to fill your mind with Bread of Life things? You know – God things that will give you a positive outlook and replenish your hope as you face what’s ahead?

It’s so important that we intentionally make “good and healthy” choices each day – for Body, Soul, and Spirit!

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

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