The Best Face-lift



There’s a wonderful way to get noticed that will point others to God. In fact, this way of getting attention is not about you at all, but totally about God drawing others to Himself through you. When it happens, you rarely know it. God just radiates His goodness from within you.

I experienced this firsthand when I met my friend Suzie at the walking track. Having not seen each other for years, we decided to meet up for exercise and chatter. Suzie and I had taught school together and served as musicians in a former church. We were Christian sisters moving along in our earthly callings. While it was great reconnecting with my friend, it was greater than ever seeing what Jesus was doing in her!

As we talked that day, I was stunned by His presence. The Suzie I had known, always beautiful and charming – was now radiant in a new way. There was nothing wrong with the former Suzie that I knew of, but the new Suzie was so touched and transformed that she seemed to be a different person. By her own admission, she had fallen in love with Jesus, selling out to Him and allowing Him to replace “her hardness” with His gentleness, “her cynicism” with His joy.

Listen friend; if you want to spread God’s glory to family and friends, you can do it – by spending more time with Him. When my boys were young, they helped me make sure I spent plenty of time alone with God. They discovered that after being with Him, I was more patient, kind, and understanding. What was good for me was also good for my family, you see.

Time spent with Jesus erases the “hardness” of guilt, shame and worry. Time with Him softens your words and calms your interaction with others. He replaces the rough places in your personality with the gentle authority of His presence.

And . . . something happens in your face. I do not fully understand it, but I have seen it, and I know it to be true. God’s glory is the best face-lift ever!

Those who look to Him are radiant with joy; their faces will never be ashamed.

(Psalm 34:5 HCSB)