“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”  (2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV)

Giving People are often Busy People.

As I consider some areas where I “gave” during the past week, here’s what came to mind: TIME, ENERGY, FINANCES, EMOTIONS, A LISTENING EAR, TRANSPORTATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, GUIDANCE, MEAL PREPARATION . . . and etc. The list goes on and on, as I’m sure it does with you. Each season of life offers many opportunities to give, and with each one there’s the challenge to be cheerful in the giving.

One woman comments about “all her plates spinning”, saying her heart is filled with both joy AND concern.  It’s true; while friends and family bring us such happiness, within many of those relationships there are needs and care-giving demands to be met.

Yes, the demands of life often seem to exceed our ability to give, right? And, GIVING CHEERFULLY, often comes down to our level of tiredness. It’s definitely easier to give with a thankful heart if you’re not worn out.

I’m reminded of Jesus reaching the well in Samaria.  

“So Jesus, tired as He was from His journey, sat down by the well…”

(John 4:6 AMP) 

Taking a closer look at the word “tired” in this passage, we find the Greek word kopiao. It means to grow weary and exhausted with toil or burdens or grief. In addition to being physically tired, this word also means to become emotionally and mentally fatigued. 

Have you ever been THAT kind of tired? Sometimes the weariness may begin as physical, and at other times the onset is more emotional or mental. Either way, TIRED IS TIRED and it spreads throughout body, mind, and emotions. 

Just as Jesus grew tired in His journey (John 4:6), I sometimes get tired – really tired – in mine. What comfort it brings to know that God, in the humanity of Jesus on earth, gets it! I identify with Him and He identifies with me. That thought truly brings comfort to my weary soul.

Knowing that God loves a cheerful giver, gives me great incentive to honor Him in my times of pouring out to others. Within each “gift” there’s opportunity to worship and to thank Him. I thank Him for . . . the ability to give and for the recipient of my gift.

With this in mind, another Believer writes . . .

 I find that it’s easiest to give to others when I have prioritized my time with God.

Yes, getting our “time in with God” helps us grow a thankful heart, and that makes the giving much more of a pleasure!

While we may or may not receive a “thank you” here on earth, we can be 100% percent sure that our Heavenly Father takes note and receives the motive of our heart to glorify Him.

“Whatever you do, do it from the heart for the Lord and not for people.”

 (Colossians 3:23 CEB)


Cheerfully giving,


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