Back Off Soul!

“May God the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. And may your spirit, soul and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”          (1 Thessalonians 5:23 HCSB)

Forty-five women were in our session that night as we explored the concept of  SOUL BUSYNESS.

Here’s my definition;

Soul-busyness - the overcrowded and overworked barrage of thoughts that are often non-productive, a waste of time, and not pleasing to our Lord. This inner cacophony can manifest itself physically through twitches, scowls, and exasperated sighs.

In order to grasp what happens in our souls, we explored how God designed us.

We discovered that He magnificently created each woman there with a spirit, soul, and body. In order to understand the function of each part of our “make-up” we dug a little deeper into our human design by our Creator-God.


The body is the physical part of who you are. It contains your skin, nervous system with nerves and the brain, along with other tangible matter. Through your body you connect to the physical world with your five senses.


The soul is the personality part of who you are. Comprised of mind and emotions, it is where you think, feel, and will. Within your soul you have your beliefs, values, and attitudes – along with your ability to reason and make choices.  Your soul is the part giving definition to who you are and how you behave.


The human spirit contains the key to experiencing the victorious Christian life. Prior to  your redemption your spirit was dead to Christ. When you recognized Him as Savior and invited Him to become Lord of your life, His Spirit moved into yours. Your human spirit then became alive to Christ and His righteousness. You may hear your spirit described as your inner being or the deepest part of who you are.

So you see, God lives within you and His essence fills your being.

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

(1Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV)

Your Soul – functioning at its best, is both peaceful and fulfilled. For the Believer, God offers great restoration power for YOUR SOUL at any moment when agitation causes panic, worry, guilt, overwhelming thoughts – ANYTHING that distracts you from His Presence living within you. Soul busy-ness can be identified as  thoughts and emotions that keep you ruffled or agitated – even positive experiences that put your nerves on edge.

So, how do you keep your soul from dragging you around and holding you hostage to disorder and stress-overload?

First, you must remember that you are not at the mercy of your soul and the craziness that sometimes lives there. You are a child of The King and He has equipped you with His power and His Spirit to take control of your flesh. You must simply determine to grab hold of the peace that Jesus offers you as His beloved child.. You must WILL it within your soul where you make choices. You make that determination BY FAITH even when  your feelings don’t line up with the determination of your will.


 Consider the following soul-training applications:

When your soul feels overloaded and distracted, practice your self-talk.

        Back off soul. You are not the boss of me. Jesus lives in me 

        and He is my perfect resting place. He is my peace.

Speak scripture aloud, and personalize it for your situation.   Lord, I am being still in You instead of being agitated over _______________. I trust and know that You are my God. My stability about _____________ is in You.

Enjoy – yes enjoy, ongoing dialogue with the Lord. I have found that continually talking with Him throughout my day as I’m moving through it, brings me a gentle and supernatural awareness of His presence. Somehow, acknowledging Him during all my moments  - mundane or eventful, ushers in soul peace for me.

     * Dwell on the truth that PEACE lives inside of you. Thank God for         His immeasurable gift as you gradually learn to take hold of it. 

Friend, here’s what I know; the more you love Jesus and keep aware of His presence, He will help you experience His peace as your soul and spirit move in harmony within the rhythms of His grace. Don’t let your FLESH drag you around. Choose to be controlled by His Spirit living inside of you - and remember to celebrate each little step of victory along the way.

Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10 NIV)

Praying over your Soul at Rest.


Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts!

As we closed our session last week, the ladies were invited to share prayer needs for our ministry team to take to our Father during the following week. Our Team takes prayer seriously, and it is such an honor to pray over these dear ones who have gathered, seeking The Lord in a deeper way.

As I began praying through this tender list, I noticed that every single request involved “heart and home” desires.

The heart, biblically speaking, is considered the seat of life or strength. Our individual hearts house our mind, soul, spirit – our entire emotional nature resides in our HEART.

God’s design of the woman’s heart is beautifully complex – embracing passions, desires, and dreams. And at the center of the blueprint of the woman God designed, we find the definition of “home”.

Here’s my thought on how a woman views her home;

HOME – both a place and a feeling. It’s the sense of peace and joy of loved ones gathered together. It’s a place where people know they’re welcome and feel loved and secure in that environment.

Yes. Truly. . . home is where the heart is.

Physically, our life’s blood pumps through our heart.

Spiritually, the Blood of Christ pumps through our heart.

It makes sense that the woman’s heart holds the KEY to emotional and victorious living through Jesus. We, as God’s women, CONNECT the earthly status of our “hearts and homes” with the spiritual status of our resurrection power through Jesus our Lord.


There’s a fierce battle going on over the woman’s heart. Look how John Eldredge, author of The Journey of Desire, expresses it.

“We are at war, and the bloody battle is over our hearts. I am astounded how few Christians see this, how little they protect their hearts. We act as though we live in a sleepy little town during peacetime. We don’t. We live in the spiritual equivalent of a war-torn country. Act like it. Watch over your heart.”

God’s Word tells us the same.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23)

How do we watch over our heart? How exactly, do we guard it?

The answer is clear. God first, and EVERYTHING ELSE second. Seeking Him first is the safest and most productive way to guard your heart and to take care of those people and circumstances wreaking havoc in your life.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.”  (Matthew 6:33 HCSB

Friend, I don’t know how He does it, but God – by the fact of WHO HE IS, promises to honor you and carry you along victoriously when you seek Him first.

That’s His promise for you, and that’s His blessing for you.

One final thought. Things are not perfect here, nor will they ever be.

But one day, it’s all going to play out in God’s totally perfected and joyful plan. The trials and tribulations of THIS DAY will all be totally ok on THAT DAY!

“Just think of stepping on shore, and finding it heaven – of touching a hand, and finding it God’s – of breathing new air, and finding it celestial – of waking up in Glory, and finding it Home.”   (Don Wyrtzen)

Dear Father, bless each HEART reading this message. Lord, we long to “do it right” during this earthly walk. Sometimes, it’s just so very difficult to keep our faith alive and active when the turmoil is trying to take us under.Thank You that You understand it all. Thank You for never leaving us, but gently reminding us that One Day all will be made right. So; until that moment when we embrace our New and Final Home, keep us loving You and seeking You first -- before going nuts and jumping into action mode. Loving You Jesus. Amen.

Praying over your Heart and Home.

Hearts On Fire!

Didn’t we feel on fire as he conversed with us on the road, as he opened up the Scriptures for us? (Luke 24:32 The Message)

A couple of weeks after Resurrection Sunday, those early disciples are still reveling in the reality that Jesus did what He said He was going to do – come back to life after three days!

According to scripture, shortly after the resurrection, two of Jesus’ followers took a walk along the road that connected Jerusalem to the town of Emmaus.

I’m wondering as I read the passage found in Luke 24:13-32 - were they really heading toward the destination of Emmaus, or were these two bewildered disciples simply needing to get away from what had just happened in Jerusalem so they could process together?

Consider that thought as you slowly and prayerfully read this account from the Message Paraphrase.

That same day two of them were walking to the village Emmaus, about seven miles out of Jerusalem. They were deep in conversation, going over all these things that had happened. In the middle of their talk and questions, Jesus came up and walked along with them. But they were not able to recognize who he was.

He asked, “What’s this you’re discussing so intently as you walk along?”

They just stood there, long-faced, like they had lost their best friend. Then one of them, his name was Cleopas, said, “Are you the only one in Jerusalem who hasn’t heard what’s happened during the last few days?”

He said, “What has happened?”

They said, “The things that happened to Jesus the Nazarene. He was a man of God, a prophet, dynamic in work and word, blessed by both God and all the people. Then our high priests and leaders betrayed him, got him sentenced to death, and crucified him. And we had our hopes up that he was the One, the One about to deliver Israel. And it is now the third day since it happened. But now some of our women have completely confused us. Early this morning they were at the tomb and couldn’t find his body. They came back with the story that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive. Some of our friends went off to the tomb to check and found it empty just as the women said, but they didn’t see Jesus.”


Have you ever been so overloaded with information that you had difficulty discerning what was true?

 Have you felt flustered because you seemed to be hanging somewhere between believing and not-believing?

Have you longed to simply get away from it all – and talk it out with someone who would understand you, accept your confusion, and simply LISTEN to your story?

Then, he said to them, “So thick-headed! So slow-hearted! Why can’t you simply believe all that the prophets said? Don’t you see that these things had to happen, that the Messiah had to suffer and only then enter into his glory? Then he started at the beginning, with the Books of Moses, and went on through all the Prophets, pointing out everything in the scriptures that referred to him.

They came to the edge of the village where they were headed. He acted as if he were going on but they pressed him: “Stay and have supper with us. It’s nearly evening, the day is done.” So he went in with them. And here is what happened: He sat down at the table with them. Taking the bread, he blessed and broke and gave it to them. At that moment, open-eyed, wide-eyed, they recognized him. And then he disappeared.

Back and forth they talked. “Didn’t we feel on fire as he conversed with us on the road, as he opened up the Scriptures for us?”

Further Consider

Do you see how Jesus (compassionately, I believe) challenged them to look at their own “laziness of faith”, their choice to doubt and not believe what they knew to be true?

Have YOU ever been lazy in your faith, doubting God’s Word and His Care and Ability to do the things He has told you He would do?

Do you see from this passage, the holy protocol of Jesus? He acted as if he were going on.

Jesus will never force Himself on us when we don’t care to know more.

However, when we ASK, He will stay and keep feeding us with Himself.

They ate together, and Jesus blessed them as they shared food and conversation. He then opened their eyes to see who He really was!

These two men were so excited, they didn’t even stay the night – according to scripture.

They didn’t waste a minute. They were up and on their way back to Jerusalem. They found the Eleven and their friends gathered together, talking away: It’s really happened! The Master has been raised up!

 Pray It Out

Father, I want to be on fire for You. I want to experience You in my heart and bones. Help me to push through those times when I don’t seem to understand WHAT You are doing. Help me to full-out TRUST YOU WHEN I CAN’T FEEL YOU. Lead me to a Christian brother or sister - one with whom I can talk out my feelings, my doubts, and my worries and fears. Jesus, help me hear Your Voice and recognize Your Presence. And then, my Lord, may I not waste a minute in telling the Good News to others! Amen.


Along The Road to Bethany

During the week following our Easter celebration, I have enjoyed thinking about those earlier followers of Jesus.

Even though Jesus had repeatedly told them about His soon to be crucifixion, death, AND resurrection – they had difficulty understanding the meaning of all He had said. Perhaps that’s why He appeared to them multiple times during the days afterward. It certainly was a way of proving out all of those things He had already told them.

Recently, I have enjoyed reading through Luke 24. The entire chapter has caught my attention in a very real way. I often find it’s both meaningful and fun to “step into scripture” as if I were there. So when I read verse 50, my heart skipped a beat.

“Then He led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up His hands He blessed them.” (Luke 24:50 HCSB)

I remembered from earlier study that Bethany is a mile or so from Jerusalem where the Jesus followers were hunkered down in fear, doubt, and questions of . . . What just happened?!?

It was there in Jerusalem – in this gathering of heartbroken disciples – that Jesus appeared to them, making it plain to them that He had indeed done what He said He was going to do.

“These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms.” (Luke 24:44 NKJV)

And then the scriptures reveal that He “opened their eyes to understand” as He continued to talk with them.

What happened next is what jumped out at me in a fresh way!

They got on the road for that mile or so walk towards Bethany. Soon, He would leave them again, for Jesus knew the precise moment He would ascend to His Father as they neared that place, and He provided more talk time - more “joyful chatter of excitement and dreaming about what would come next” time.

My attention became fixed on this Walking and Talking Time with Jesus!

Scripture doesn’t say anything about the exchange of words between Jerusalem and Bethany, but I bet it was quite an engaging - if not giddy - conversation, don’t you? Questions to ponder:

How long has it been since you have had a simple walk and talk time with Jesus?

How long has it been since you have craved to get away with Him all by yourself and pour out your doubts, fears, and worries?

How long has it been since you were giddy in His presence and talked with Him about your hopes and dreams?

We see from God’s inspired Word that afterwards, as they neared Bethany, Jesus lifted up His hands and blessed them.

Jesus is worthy of all of our walks and talks with Him. I personally believe He loves to hear His children’s chit-chat and voices raised to Him - as we delight in The One having the answers to our questions and The One sharing our dreams, hopes, AND our concerns.

Just imagine the chatter that filled the ears of Jesus during that mile walk with His first disciples.

It surely must have delighted His heart, knowing the joy that bubbled up and out of their souls - because they were with Their Risen Lord... And, He blessed them at the end of that conversation!

Can you accept the fact that Jesus delights in your company as you get exuberant about being in His presence? JOY awaits, and a BLESSING too as you simply enjoy being with Him.

Think about your personal road to Bethany this week – and place Him in your plans.

This Week’s Challenge

Deliberately carve out some alone time with Jesus by getting away from your normal routine and environment. Be excited about having time with Him only, and expectant about the blessing you will receive from the time you share together. As you enjoy Him, be assured He is enjoying YOU!

“When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13 The Message)


In a recent study-group session, the topic was God’s Grace. As I prayerfully prepared to teach, I had the strong urge to focus on....SELF-GRACE.

I know it was the Holy Spirit nudging me with the following question;

Do I see myself the way God sees me?

Immediately, I knew the answer was “NO!”

I intellectually know that God does not condemn me or get disgusted with my behavior or write me off as a failure when I mess up – BUT I ALWAYS DO.

So needing some spiritual-eyesight adjusting I plunged into the topic of giving GRACE to myself.

Teaching others is great, but seeing how God brings the teaching back around to teaching me personally, is absolutely the best. So, in my heart it was confirmed that the ladies who sat before me needed some practice in giving GRACE to themselves, and so did I.

The reality of how they practiced "self-grace" became evident when we ran through an activity about receiving God’s Grace and then giving that same grace to others.

A beautifully decorated gift circulated among the participants attending that day. Their instruction was to receive the gift placed in their hands and speak the following . . .

I receive This Gift of Grace, and I am moving on with the forgiveness that is mine in Jesus. Now, I extend this same GRACE to you.

As the last participant received her Gift of Grace . . . here was the surprising – or NOT so surprising discovery. Nearly every woman had difficulty with the phrase . . .

“I am moving on.”

What became evident was that while we may be quick to intellectually state that we receive the Grace of God when we . . .

- lose our temper with our children

- fail to read our Bible

- say something we shouldn’t say

- behave un-Christlike, etc.. .  

We don’t truly move about in God’s Grace at all - when we don’t forgive ourselves and move on and really experience the forgiveness that is ours in Jesus.

Question; Have you ever been giddy and excited about a gift you’d chosen especially for someone, and when you gave it to them, their response  was not at all what you thought it would be, but rather a real downer of a moment for you?

Friend, God has given you the beautiful Gift of Grace through the shedding of His Son’s Blood on the Cross! Don’t dismiss this GIFT by failing to forgive yourself when you are “less than” you want to be.

“Gift,” in the Greek language, means something given out of a free choice. It also means it was a sacrificial giving.

God has sacrificially given us the GIFT of living eternally with Him and the GIFT of relationship through the forgiveness of our sins through His bloodshed on The Cross.

It’s time to STOP seeing ourselves though our own lens of disapproval.

It’s time to START seeing ourselves through the Eyes of our God who sees JESUS when He looks at us.

:There is now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1)

When you self-condemn you are blaming yourself for something, and harboring feelings of guilt and disapproval. We must not accept this as normal reasoning.

So you messed up, right? We ALL do.

Confess. Repent. Move On!

“When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

You can choose to NOT cause the devil delight by stewing in feelings of guilt and self-deprecation.

You can choose to HONOR GOD by viewing yourself the way He views you.

You can choose VICTORY instead of groveling in self-pity because you aren’t pleased with yourself.

You can choose to RECEIVE, not DISMISS the forgiveness that Jesus procured for you on The Cross with His shed Blood!


The more GRACE you extend to yourself, the more you will extend it to others.

If you tend to look at yourself disapprovingly, you’ll disapprove of others.

If you are quick to see your failures, you’ll more quickly see failures in others.

If you continually focus on your personal imperfections, you’ll be more apt to focus on the imperfections of others.

To extend GRACE TO MYSELF takes FAITH. Why? Because Faith sees the Blood of Christ covering every sinful, messed-up part of me.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God!    (Ephesians 2:8 NIV)

“Dear Father, right now I thank YOU for the beautiful Gift of Grace. I receive it and I move forward in the victory that is mine, as Your child. In the Name of Jesus I delight in You as I offer this prayer.” Amen.

For more info about booking and Cindi Wood Ministries visit:


Interacting with a group of women during a recent book-study session, a comment referring to our future judgment was made. “I was clearly taught that I would be judged one day for all these things I was doing wrong.”

It became evident to me that confusion was swirling around the room – simply by the look on the ladies’ faces who were staring at me, waiting for my response to that declaration.

Maybe you, like them, have questions about how YOU as a follower of Jesus will be judged when you step into the presence of Jesus.

Let’s look at scripture:

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” (2 Corinthians 5:10 NIV)

So, from the get-go, we see that ALL will be judged, and according to our good or bad deeds.  We will be held accountable for our motives and behaviors. By this point you may be shuddering at the prospects of that judgment to come.

To further clarify, let’s examine the TWO JUDGMENTS mentioned in the scriptures.

The Great White Throne Judgment is the final judgment of humanity, with Jesus declaring publicly, the decisions that have already been made. Satan, his fallen angels, and all those who have rejected Christ will be judged. It is the last judgment before all who oppose God are cast into the lake of fire.  The unbelievers are judged according to their works and sentenced to everlasting punishment in the lake of fire. John writes . . .

“Then I saw a Great White Throne and him who was seated on it. . . and I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done… and if anyone’s name was not found in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”  (Revelation 20:11-15)

This judgment is for all those who oppose Christ – the unsaved. Believers will not be present at this judgment. 

The Judgment Seat of Christ is for Believers. This is a time in the future when Believers will give an account of themselves to Christ.

Circle back around to 2 Corinthians 5:10.

“We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”

Without taking a closer look, it appears that Christ is going to “call us out” for those bad behaviors, impure thoughts, deceptive motives, etc. But that is not at all what this JUDGMENT is about.

The Judgment Seat of Christ is often referred to as the Bema Seat.

“Judgment Seat” is translated Bema, which, in its simplest definition describes a place reached by steps or a platform. In Greek culture “bema” referred to the elevated platform on which victorious athletes received their crowns.

Think of the medal-stand in our modern day Olympic games. The athletes ascend the steps to the platform and are given medals for their stellar achievement.

So, 2 Corinthians 5:10 speaks of us receiving what is due us – whether good or bad.

It is important to note that in this context, ”bad” is from a Greek word meaning worthless or useless. It simply means loss of rewards for the follower of Christ.

Does someone receive a reward for being useless? No. You just don’t GET a reward. So, the place of judgment for the Believer is one that rewards us for our good deeds, motives, purposes in life. The judgment meted out for those bad things - is our loss of rewards.

“For no one can lay any foundation other that the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved – even though only as one escaping through the flames.” (1 Corinthians 3:15 NIV)

All of our motives and deeds will be exposed. They will be revealed as either Christ-worthy or as meaningless. We will still be saved, but our motives and actions in our earthly life will be judged

And as each one is refined by fire, those things done for Christ will shine gloriously and survive for the acceptance of the reward. Those things done - not for Christ - will be burned up and perish into nothingness.

It's important to note, as well, that this is a personal judgment – not collective. And the purpose is not judicial - but so that believers might be rewarded.

Oh I long to be rewarded! It’s not that I’m working to earn His favor or His reward – but I realize that those things which will one day be rewarded - are all things that please Him now! It’s getting a bit easier to practice delayed gratification when I think of pleasing Him, rather than seeking to please myself.

Am I willing to take a deep breath and not retaliate when someone mis-judges me?

Am I willing to turn the other cheek when I’m criticized (especially for something I didn’t do?)

Will I make an effort to act in Jesus-ways when no one else around me does?

Can I do kind things for others without ever calling attention to myself?

Is working hard for the Kingdom Cause, something I do – not caring about earthly recognition?

These are just a sampling of rewards that could be mine on the day Christ speaks to me personally about what I’ve done for His sake, not mine. 

In summary, YES, every single person will be judged. But thanks be to God, that believers will not be judged for sin at The Judgment Seat of Christ.

Every sin for every believer has already been judged at the cross.

“God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” (Roman 8:1)


Dear Father, please help me “get over myself” so that I will not focus on ME! I’m willing and ready to turn the other cheek, die to self-will and wants, and put others’ desires before my own. Now, help me to follow through with every desire that pleases You. You’ll make it all right one day. Besides, every choice to practice delayed gratification on my part, helps me focus on You. When I climb that platform at the Bema Seat, my longing is to hear . . . “Well done good and faithful servant.” REWARDS FROM JESUS ARE THE BEST!  Amen.

For more info about booking and Cindi Wood Ministries visit:


Real Time Faith Heroes

Real Time Faith Heroes

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation.” (Hebrews 11:1,2 ESV)

Hebrews 11 is known as that HALL of FAITH chapter. It provides an exposition on faith, highlighting various people from the Old Testament. The entire chapter emphasizes the power and the importance of faith in the lives of believers. Turn there and you’ll read about Abraham, Moses, Noah, along with others.

This morning as I was praying, it occurred to me that I am surrounded by present-day faith heroes! They, just like the Old Testament saints we read about in God’s Word, have struggled (and are struggling) through extremely difficult and life-altering circumstances.

Some of those I have been praying deeply over during the past month are listed:

~ daughter who is faithfully caring for her mother - denying herself rest, pleasure, a comfortable routine, and being the advocate for her mom as she consults doctors and others in the medical field for her best care options.

~ wife, faithfully sitting by her husband’s hospital bed – cheering him on and encouraging him with scripture and prayers. She leaves briefly to take care of things on the home-front and then returns to her “post” to be his cheerleader.

~ husband searching for a new life for himself after walking faithfully with his wife through an extended illness. She has now stepped into Heaven. 

~ friend who is valiantly battling brain cancer after she victoriously made it through a difficult battle with breast cancer.

~ friend who has forgiven her friend who has caused her much hurt and heartache.

~ sister-in-love who has suffered for many years with chronic pain and still forges on to do the things she needs to do, relying on God to help her overcome the physical with “His spiritual.”

~ sister caring for a sister who has had knee surgery and has no one to take care of her in the ways she specifically needs. 

~ wife, lovingly walking alongside her husband who has had a sudden diagnosis of leukemia.

~ daughter- care-giving for her mom, even though it calls for her to do things that are very uncomfortable for her to do.

~ friend who gets up and keeps going every time a new medical problem crashes in on her.

~ wife determined to give God the glory as she leaves behind a wonderful life with her husband and ministry, to start afresh in God’s new plan for her alone. Her husband simply stepped into the arms of Jesus following a brief illness.

In addition to these real life situations, there are others – just too many to list. It seems as though our Father is displaying His Glory through His children who are moving forward in faith from one day to the next.  He is providing examples in our day, to remind us that He will give us the power and the grace to step through anything that seeks to unravel us during our earthly walk.

Any one of those listed in the “present hall of faith”could be reacting differently to their horrible struggles. But thanks be to God they have chosen to move forward in trust, embracing the lifestyle of loyal disciples living in anticipation of Christ’s return.

Not always doing it perfectly - for that’s impossible until we reach our perfected glory – but pressing on toward the goal to take hold of Christ!

It’s inspiring to note two of the comments from a couple of our fellow-sojourners . . .

 “My prayer is to love Him with ALL my heart, share His love … and pay attention to Him!”

“I’m spending the night at the hospital so he’ll know the one who loves him most is helping the Lord watch over him. We all know that it’s the Lord’s perfect love that counts.”

FAITH – remarkably strong faith in action! Don’t you long to be that kind of Faith Hero?

We can choose to join our brothers and sisters in “today’s faith parade” humbly devoting ourselves to our Father until He calls us home or snatches us up to join Him in the clouds!

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.”  (Hebrews 11:6)

A final observation; the lives of those listed in the Hebrews HALL of FAITH chapter were filled with hardship and struggle. Their difficult times, at the end of it all, did not take them under. They persevered through their trials because their focus was not anchored in what they could see or what they endured, but in the Lord Jesus Christ.

This same FAITH is what impresses me about those living today honoring the Lord as they struggle.

Walking alongside them I’ve seen when their STRUGGLE appeared bigger than their FAITH. I’ve heard them speak of “love for God” at the same time they voiced, “I don’t know how I will make it.”

They have never denied the reality of the pain and suffering – nor does Jesus ever dismiss that reality. These warriors have simply grabbed hold of God’s Hand and held on as He continues to carry them through.

Consider what Jesus said to Thomas at the moment his belief came alive at seeing the risen Lord . . .

“The people who have faith in Me without seeing Me are the ones who are really blessed!” (John 20:29 CEV)

Jesus is talking about us! We are truly blessed when we believe and act out our belief by faith.

Here is my definition of a FAITH HERO . . . one who has been hit with unbearable and life-altering circumstances, but in the midst of the fiery trial determines to walk the road ahead with faith and trust knowing that God has a plan for them personally as He walks within them and before them.

What does it take to be a Faith Hero? Love Love Love. For the more you love Jesus, the more you trust Him and fix your eyes on your real life and real future.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

“Dear Father, I’m inspired by the OT saints listed in Hebrews 11. I’m also inspired by those saints You have placed around me today – believers who love You and are fueled by Your love. I see them suffering, but not struck down. They are allowing the trial that engulfs them to transport them into faith and hope focusing on the eternal glory that is unseen by them at the present, but is surely awaiting them in their eternal home. That’s true for all of Your children, Lord. Help me to position myself as a Faith Hero - for troubles will surely come before we step into Your presence. In the meantime, I am choosing to fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen – until that day I see You Face to face. Amen.”

Paying Attention? 

When I tucked my grandson Ezra in for the night, I had no idea I was going to get a new spiritual revelation. It should not have surprised me, though. I continually get new insights when I really zone in on what they say and how they behave. Children are fabulous teachers. 

We laughed as we replayed the things we did during the day, and then I asked if he’d like to lead in our prayer. (There’s something invigorating about hearing children pray – you know, talking to Jesus in the way you’d talk with your best friend.) 

Ezra prayed for our family, our friends, and for those who were sick and hurting. And then he made a request that really captured my heart . . . 

And God, would You please help me to pay attention to You? 

What a delightful appeal voiced to our Father who longs for His children to notice Him, praise and worship Him, and yes – pay attention to Him! 

I have not been able to get that phrase out of my mind. I’ve joined Ezra in asking my Father to help me pay attention – REALLY – pay attention to Him.  

Paying attention requires slowing down and focusing. It requires eyes that are seeing, ears that are hearing, and a heart that is “keeping present” in the moment. 

As the days have passed since the prayer that stirred my heart, I’ve been paying attention to God in a fresh way. Here are some of those experiences: 

  • I noticed that I’d had a really good night’s sleep and thanked Him immediately.  

  • A friend had a specific need and asked me to pray for her. This need was met. 

I noticed what God did and thanked Him. 

  • My flesh really wanted to lash out one day, but I felt the nudge (and had the fortitude) to keep quiet. THAT WAS GOD. I noticed and thanked Him. 

I also slowed down, realizing He allowed me to . . . 

  • Drink in a beautiful gaze from my baby granddaughter with her big blue eyes. 

  • “Step into scripture” – taking time to talk with Him and ask that He help me apply what I had just read to a personal situation. 

  • Notice the grace extended to me from my husband, and especially enjoy our crazy times together. 

  • Enjoy the laughter and “at home feeling” with my friends. 

  • Truly delight in every moment of teaching His Word and being with those who want to learn. 

  • Notice my Self-Talk, realizing that He sees me in a far different way than I see myself. 

With each moment of slowing down and really paying attention, I was almost giddy with gratitude for the goodness of God!  

Paying attention to Him as I prepared meals, cleaned my house, sang, exercised – and worked through all the little ordinary things that filled my days – brought me to a deeper and more vibrant place of worship. 

Why, I even noticed that paying attention to Jesus in those  times when I groaned about having a tired body, achy joints, and unsettling circumstances – all served as reminders that nothing in this earthly living is forever.  

Yes, It’s a WIN-WIN with God when you truly learn to pay attention to Him. 

I’m really thankful my li’l guy taught me to be more observant of God’s involvement in my life. Not one moment escapes His loving gaze. His eyes are always on me, and I’m determined to offer Him a heart that pays attention to Him, because . . . He always pays attention to ME! 

Dear Father, it’s a sweet choice – the right choice and life-giving choice – to pay attention to You. By doing so, You keep me from wrong words, behaviors, and attitudes. You also fill my life with goodness that’s all around me that often goes unnoticed when I am too busy or too rushed, or simply not “being in the moment.” Thank You for giving me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that truly wants to notice You and please You. I love You dear Lord, with a full and overflowing heart. Amen.

From No-Way to....GOD-WAY!

Some of the deepest and most soul-satisfying psalms were written by David in his wilderness journeys. Take a look at this portion of Psalm 63, written while he camped out with God in the wilderness of Judah.

O God, you are my God; earnestly

I seek you;

my soul thirsts for you;

my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land

where there is not water.

(2) So I have looked upon you in the


beholding your power and glory.

(3)Because your steadfast love is better

than life,

my lips will praise you.

(4) So I will bless you as long as I live;

In your name I will lift up my hands.

We may find ourselves in a variety of wilderness experiences throughout our life-time.

That’s the reality of living in a fallen and sin-infested world. In verses 1 &2 we find that David’s seclusion provided the safe place to pour out his confusion to God. His longing to “experience” God became deeper - than both the injustice he endured and the pain of broken relationships.


Now, notice the subtle shift.

David’s cries to God, based on his current situation – perhaps even from a complaining heart, turn into praises and thanksgiving in verses 3 & 4.

This model of praying we see here is compelling for the believer in Jesus.

Yes, yes, and yes! We must pour out our hearts of languish to the Lord. Our soul needs to be emptied to The One who can make a difference in our misery.

And then it becomes our choice to make the subtle shift towards praising Him and thanking Him for Who HE is. May our focus not be riveted to what we want from Him – but fastened to the holiness of Who He is.

By praising the Lord in heart-wrenching circumstances our “no-ways” become His “God-way.”

There’s no way I’m going to have a normal life again.

There’s no way I’ll ever get over this.

There’s no way I’ll pay off my debt.

There’s no way this relationship will be healed.

There’s no way I can go on living without my spouse.

There’s no way I can survive without my children loving me.

There’s no way I can have a fulfilled life.

There’s no way _______________________

(fill in the blank)

Do you see it?  Can you do it? Can you take those worst moments of life to Your Father who cares for you and understands your agony?

And then, can you pour out your praise and your worship, trusting Him to bring you into that place of soul rest? He WILL do it, and right when you thought it could never happen.

There’s always a GOD WAY for every NO WAY!

Dear Father, I’ve carried this burden way too long on my own. Right now, I choose to release it to You, knowing You are capable of bringing my agitated soul to the place of peace and resolve in YOU. Because Your steadfast love is better than life – just like David, I will lift up my hands and bless You as long as I live.  Amen.

Bucket List

I have never been a fan of talking about OR even creating a BUCKET LIST!

I'm not sure why, except for the fact that it seems to be something that everyone, everywhere chats about; and for some reason that makes me run in the other direction.

But now I know EXACTLY why the whole idea has never appealed to me. It came to light with a recent article in"Relevant Magazine" by JD Greear. See below.

"Only four experiences in my life have fully lived up to expectations. That's probably because I tend to overhype things. (“Easily excitable” is what I think the doctor wrote on the Ritalin prescription.)

Nonetheless, many of the things I anticipated most left me with the feeling that they could have been better.

The handful that lived up to expectations?

Becoming a Christian

Marrying Veronica and having children

(These were both more enjoyable and more challenging than I ever imagined.)

Beyond that, the list is pretty short:

Visiting Kauai, Hawaii


And… well, that’s it.

I’ll bet that a few more experiences would make the list if I ever get a chance to do them. Hiking the Inca trail. Climbing Mt. Everest. Hang-gliding. Flying to the moon.

Experiences like these often get put on a “bucket list.” The term “bucket list” became public parlance in 2007 because of a movie by the same name. Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson play two unlikely and hilarious friends bonding over their terminal diagnoses, and they make a list of all sorts of crazy adventures they want to go on before they “kick the bucket.” They call it their “bucket list.”

More recently, the bucket list has been supplanted by YOLO, a 4-letter acronym you use to justify some rash and crazy decision. You Only Live Once, so live every moment to the fullest! Take advantage of every opportunity. You’ll never get a chance to experience this life again, so make sure you get everything out of it that you can.

I will admit, saying YOLO to myself when considering whether to go sky-diving felt motivating, and making a bucket list of things I’d like to get to before I die was a fun exercise. But does a bucket list even make sense for a Christian?

How could it?

YOLO is not true.

YALF is. (You actually live forever).

Bucket lists are inappropriate for Christians not because good Christians stay at home and settle for a safe, boring life. It’s just that we know that life on earth is not our only chance (or even our best chance) to experience what the world has to offer.

Scripture gives every indication that the “new heavens and new earth” (Rev 21:1, 4) will contain better versions of anything in God’s good creation that we enjoyed down here.

Many people wrongly think of heaven as some ethereal life of leisure where saints sit around in diapers on colorless clouds with nerf bows-and-arrows, strumming their harps and sipping non-alcoholic piña coladas. We gather at least twice daily for choir practice, but that’s our only real activity.

The Bible describes heaven much differently. Though it leaves a lot unsaid, what it does say indicates that heaven is a reality that is more than, not less than, anything we experience on earth.

Scholars say “new heavens and new earth” is better read “renewed heavens and earth.” In other words, the new earth is not a replacement of the old, but a renewed and restored version of it, freed from the curse of sin, supercharged with the glory of God. As New Testament scholar N. T. Wright puts it, “God’s plan is not to abandon this world, the world which he said was ‘very good.’ Rather, he intends to remake it. And when he does he will raise all his people to new bodily life to live in it. That is the promise of the Christian gospel.”

That all the mountains, rivers, oceans, animals, culture, arts, music, architecture, solar systems and even extreme sports that I never got to experience here are waiting for me there, in glorified form.

Furthermore, the Apostle John goes on to say that God will “… bring into heaven the glory and honor of the nations” (Rev 21:26). That means the best of culture—the best of Italian food, the best of Arabian and Colonial architecture, the best art, Mardi Gras (without the debauchery), Disneyworld (without the lines), the Jersey Shore (without, you know, the Jersey).

(By the way—I can’t prove this, but I’m pretty sure that in heaven all the foods that are bad for you here are good for you there, and vice versa. There, ice cream and chocolate are good for the waistline, while cauliflower makes you gain weight. Like I said, I can’t prove that, but these things are spiritually discerned. Let the wise reader understand.)

We don’t know all that we’ll be capable of physically in the resurrection, but Jesus’ resurrection is supposed to give us some hints. And, in his resurrected body, Jesus could apparently fly and walk through walls.

I’ve always wanted to climb Mt. Everest. My wife tells me it’s off the table until my kids at least graduate college. And by that time, I may not be physically able, and so I may never get the chance. But that’s okay, because in heaven, I’m confident I’ll get to climb the renewed one, which will be a lot better anyway. And when I get to the top, I’ll fly over to the heavenly Tuscany for dinner.

In cryptic-yet-enticing terms, Paul tells us.

What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived—God has prepared these things for those who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9).

In plain speak, that means that if you can think it, it’s not awesome enough. That’s pretty fantastic, because I can think of some pretty cool things. Heaven likely will have all of them, plus a bunch of other stuff I can’t even conceive of yet.

And, of course, this is not even to mention the joy of doing all these things under the watchful and approving eye of an eternally good Heavenly Father.

C.S. Lewis depicts that breathtaking moment when believers are translated from this corrupted world to the renewed and restored one with Aslan saying to his children, “Come further up, come further in!”

And they respond: “I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now. The reason why we loved the old Narnia is that it sometimes looked a little like this.”

Lewis concludes:

All their life in this world and all their adventures had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.

So, remind me—why do I need a bucket list?

There’s not anything I’ll miss out on down here that I won’t be able to make up in spades up there.


There is one thing we can’t do there that we can do here.

Tell people about Jesus.

So, if you want to put something on a bucket list, make it that.

We only have this incredibly short span of our lives to tell our friends, family, and the generation of souls alive on earth right now about Jesus. As the late Keith Green (hippie-turned-Christian-songwriter) used to say, “This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls, all over the world.” We are their only chance to hear."

Looking forward to all those things in Heaven that I can't do on earth,



Along with writing and teaching truths from the Bible, I’ve also enjoyed the journey of helping people understand PEOPLE!

No small challenge to figure out why people do the things they do, right?

Looking at it behaviorally, it does makes sense. God created us with different genetic tendencies that form us into the individuals we are. For instance, some of you reading this are very outgoing and absolutely LOVE interacting and being around others. You enjoy small talk and enjoy “using you words.”

Others, however, would prefer being alone in a cave – rather than being closed up in a crowded room - forced to interact and carry on conversations that to YOU, seem meaningless.

Being a behavioral style consultant for years has given me a grand appreciation for God’s creativity in the way He designed us as individuals. It has also filled me with an awareness of His Master Plan of calling into relationship, a variety of people to worship and adore Him in personal, yet different ways.

I’m excited this week to bring back some behavioral style teaching for a group of gals coming together for fellowship and fun (yep, I’m one of those styles who LOVE having fun.)

Here’s what I know: God loves people – ALL the people He created!

No matter your style of behavior – GOD LOVES YOU.

You may feel very different at times than those around you. You are!

Why not simply celebrate God’s Master Design in you and offer everything you are back to Him?

Let’s talk to our Designer about it . . .

Father, I celebrate YOU and Your creativity in all those You created. Help me to enjoy my individuality. And rather than getting annoyed by those who are different than I am, help me to understand that You created every single person by breathing Your Breath of Life into their very body and soul. I’m not responsible for how That Truth plays out in their lives - but I am responsible for acknowledging that You gave them life. You want me to unconditionally love them as You unconditionally love me. Thank You dear Jesus – for your Creativity and Your Love. Amen.

Your Heavenly Father Loves You!

Of all the treasured memories I have of my Dad, the one that just melts my heart is the recollection of him waiting for me to come and visit during the last days we shared together on earth.  Approaching his assisted living facility, I can still see him there perched on his wheelchair, with his arms held out for a big hug. With that sweet smile of his, he was always welcoming, always loving, always wanting to spend time with me.

Every child needs a DADDY like that!

Friend, maybe you're one who shares the blessing of an earthly father who adored you. But if this scenario seems totally foreign to you, I have some great news!

You have exactly that kind of Father. He is your Father-God, and He's right here welcoming you, loving you, and longing to spend time with you. Every dream you've ever had of a strong encouraging dad -loving you unconditionally  is within your reach. God adores you. The freeing truth is that His love for you is not based on your successes or accomplishments--or even your worthiness to be loved.

Not at all; it's all about Him, you see. He loves you because He created you. You are a product of His Heart, His Mind, and His Awesome Love. 

And, because He's God and because He's Love . . . He poured out His love for YOU through His Son Jesus.

For God so loved YOU, that He gave His only Son - so that YOU may not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16.)

Being God's child doesn't make you perfect - but makes you perfectly loved!

If you are doubting that you are a recipient of this kind of holy love, please get in touch with us at the Frazzled Female Prayer Team link on the website.  We would be honored to pray with you and to guide you toward this joyful relationship which only He gives!

Happy Father's Day. And may it be a LIFE-CHANGING ONE!



God used a recent personal experience to teach me in a deeper way, the doctrine of Law and Grace. It lasted only moments, but the impact of it was seared into my heart.

After a great morning with the gals who’d gathered at our Myrtle Beach location to dig deeper into God’s Word, I was headed to find some lunch. Pulling off a side road I began merging my car onto busy HWY 50l traffic, entering the stream of other drivers barreling down the freeway.

It was then I was busted by the long arm of the law!

Noticing the flashing lights behind me I thought, Surely he doesn’t mean ME -  after all, I’m just driving like everybody else is. The siren was the clue that it was time to pull over.

As I nervously made my way to the shoulder of the road, I whispered my “caught off guard default prayer” . . .

Lord, teach me something in this.

Looking in my rear view mirror I watched the patrolman’s authoritative approach. He patted my FBC window sticker as he asked why I was in such a hurry.

I felt locked in the vice of the law. I WAS.

I felt convicted and guilty. I WAS.

I felt helpless to exonerate myself. I WAS.

It made not one sliver of difference to him that I’d been teaching the Bible all morning, that I’d never had a ticket, and that I was a church-going gal. I’D BROKEN THE LAW.

A few minutes later I drove a couple of blocks and pulled into a parking lot to settle my nerves and examine the ticket I’d been given. There it was; my offense spelled out, along with my fine and court date. I felt horrible about the ticket, but I felt worse about telling my husband who was back home praying over this women’s retreat!

With a deep breath, I laid it all out in one quick text . . . caught speeding, ticketed, and fined.

His response came back in seconds, and I realized my Father had answered my prayer to “teach me something in this”. Through my tears I read . . .

Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. It’s ok.

That was it. No condemnation, no reprimand nor criticism.

In that moment, I caught a holy glimpse of the Authority of the Law and the Extravagance of Mercy.

Holy God, Forgiving Jesus, Loving Husband – That’s GRACE!

The law came along to multiply the trespass. But where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more.                                    Romans 5:20 CSB

Recipient of Grace,


The Jesus Way

Jesus knew the resurrection was coming.

He allowed His disciples to suffer, grieve, and come to the end of themselves.

He would reveal His Glory in His perfect timing.

On these days before we celebrate Christ’s resurrection, my thoughts turn to those die-hard followers of Jesus and the gut-wrenching emotional suffering that overtook them after the torturous death of the Lord.

They’d given up everything to follow Him. Even though He’d spoken to them about His upcoming suffering, death, and resurrection – their hearts and minds didn’t quite grasp the reality of what He had said.

The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again. (Luke 24:7 NIV)

Allow yourself to step into this passage of scripture. For three -worse than terrible days, the eleven surviving apostles along with other faithful followers of Jesus grappled with what His death meant to them personally. It seemed impossible for them to reconcile the reality of His brutal death by crucifixion, with their expectations of the joy He had promised.

And all the while, Jesus knew the resurrection was before them. He held them in their suffering and the hopelessness that filled their spirits. He knew the Glory that awaited them.

Stepping into scripture . . . helps to bring it to life personally right here, right now.

This world is full of tribulation and suffering. Just as Jesus spoke those words to His friends 2000 years ago about what was ahead, He has told us. . .

Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 NLT)

He knows how difficult life is. He allows us to grieve and suffer, holding us in our suffering and the heaviness we feel in our spirits. And, by His Grace He helps us to hang on – if even by a scraggly thread – until He reveals His Glory at the precise moment He chooses.

Life now may be brutal, but an Explosion of Joy awaits!

Enjoy the good times. Celebrate friends, family, and fun times. And on the days when life is a challenge, stay strong and keep tethered to Jesus. Unlike those early disciples, We KNOW that one day – in God’s perfect timing His Glory will be revealed and everything will be ok.

In the meantime, take comfort in the reality of scripture.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  (2 Corinthians 4:16,17 NIV)

It Was Only a Small Lunch

It was only a small lunch. It couldn’t be much to offer to Jesus since there were so many hungry people who needed something to eat. The disciples felt hopeless to do anything about the need. Their only suggestion was to send the people away to buy bread somewhere else. “Send them away.” That was the only remedy they could come up with. They repeated that same suggestion on other occasions when there seemed to be an insurmountable need confronting them.

It is easy to either run away from problems or suggest to the Lord that He send them away from us. We need to learn from the boy and his lunch. Anything we give to Jesus to use will be blessed. Our own efforts will always either fail or do minimal good. But, in the hands of Jesus, even the tiniest gift or money or talent will do more than we can ever imagine!

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. . . (that’s the truth Paul brings to our minds in Ephesians 3:20.)

The above segment is from The Lamp Post –

Oh Jesus, may we be willing to bring to You, our tiniest gifts – even when we think they won’t amount to much. A kind word, text or phone call  -- any step to offer encouragement to those within our reach. All for Your Fame and Glory. Amen.

Do YOU Have a Life Verse?

In our Frazzled Female Bible Studies, we encourage women to share their LIFE VERSE, and if they have not chosen one - now's the time. It's my joy to give you a peek into the hearts of these women as they share their "personal scripture." May you be blessed in their offering.


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As I was driving to our Frazzled Female morning Bible Study, God placed a big ol’ ugly dump-truck full of red-flying-dirt, right in front of me. Immediately there seemed to appear a bright highlighted arrow pointing to the name on the back.


I was heading to bring encouragement and hope to some women who had some BIG STUFF going on their lives (don’t we all?) But for some, theirs is a season – right now - of ongoing stress, hurt, and deep challenges.

Immediately I got the message. . .

There’s a GOD-WIN buried somewhere in every heaping pile of “trash” that often leaves us spinning out of control.

God invites you to bring your emotional dump-truck that’s filled with . . .  betrayal, broken dreams, unfulfilled desires, shredded relationships, grief over death of loved ones and all the shards of heartache that have cut you to the bone - leaving only knotty scars for you to nurse.

For some, the pain is recent. For others, piercing memories linger and stab. . . memories which should have long been forgotten and placed out of reach. And yet, there they are, buried deeply under thick scabs. Scabs that cover stinging wounds that for no apparent reason, surface from time to time and catch us off guard.

This playbill does not have to be the programming for the child of God!

Friend, I offer you the reality of HOPE found in Jesus . . .

There’s a GOD-WIN victory for every painful event of your life.

Ask Him. He will help you. He will . . .  


He will do all of that because He loves You!

The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know Your name trust in You, because You have not abandoned those who seek You, LORD. (Psalm 9:9-10)

What Does Jesus Look Like?

What is your response to . . . How do you think Jesus looks?

I’ve been on mission the past several days, prayerfully considering the most accurate response to this question sent to me earlier this week.

First consideration; “Are you wondering what Jesus looked like when He walked this earth, or are you referring to His appearance right now?”

There are clear Biblical answers to both of these questions.

It is critical to understand that Jesus, both 100 percent God and 100 percent man walked this earth as Deity residing in the flesh.

So, as a human - Jesus grew up in Nazareth, a large city in northern Israel. Spiritually conceived, His mother Mary and His earthly father were both Jewish.

By God’s design, Jesus was a Jew.

As He began His ministry in His thirties, He would have most likely looked like a Palestinian Jewish man in the first century. However, The Bible offers few clues about Christ’s physical appearance.

However, we do know THIS about Him, physically:

He was totally God, totally Man – born of a virgin and lived a sinless, blameless life on this earth. He died a sacrificial death - becoming a substitutionary sacrifice for all of those He created. He died, was buried, and rose again, for the sins of all who choose to accept Him as Lord and Savior. Loving Him and trusting in His Provision for you as being the atonement for your sin, ensures that you will escape the wrath and judgment of God as you step into eternity living.

That was the mission of Jesus, the God-Man in coming to this earth.

Regarding the appearance of Jesus NOW.

The Bible is clear about the image of the glorified and risen Christ seated at the right hand of The Father on His Throne. There was . . .

Someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to His feet and with a golden sash around His chest. The hair on His head was white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

(Revelation 1:13-15)

This is the very Jesus every single person from man’s beginning will see. Our Great High Priest - Set apart, wise, and the Holy Righteous Judge. 

As a believer, when you see Him, there will be no condemnation in His eyes – for YOU have already been judged on the cross through the Blood of Jesus. His feet like bronze glowing in a furnace is an image of the righteous judgment that has already taken place on your behalf. His voice like the sound of rushing waters will drown out every other sound and pull you into His Heart of grace and mercy.

John was so overcome with WHO HE SAW, that he. . . fell at His feet as though dead. (Revelation 1:17)

And, the apostle Paul states . . . that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-11.)

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *   

I love questions that send me on a biblical search. This one helped restore my focus on Jesus and WHO He is now - this very moment as He waits for His children to join Him in the Heavenly Throne Room.

That twinkling of an eye moment, could happen at any second.

Dear Jesus, thank YOU for coming out of the glorious realm of Heaven, and down to the earth You created. You must love us SO MUCH for becoming like us in order to save us from the wrath of God’s holy judgment. Thinking of You right now, poised and ready to call us up into Your presence – fills me with crazy delight and holy shivers. Help me, help us - to keep focused on the reality of Who You are right now. And please Lord, give us the spiritual stamina to keep walking these days with our hearts nestled in Heaven and our feet planted on the ground of soul winning.  Amen.



YOU Are Valuable to God


In fact you are more valuable to Him than to anyone else you know (or don’t know.)

As I begin to put these thoughts into words, I am asking our God, your Creator, to quicken your heart and mind to receive deep revelation about the depth of love He has for you.

The Message paraphrase records words written by the psalmist under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Look at some of these expressions from God’s Heart.

You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of Your sight. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and You’re there, then up ahead and You’re there too – Your reassuring presence, coming and going.

This is too wonderful – I can’t take it all in!

Is there anyplace I can go to avoid Your Spirit – to be out of Your sight? If I climb to the sky, You’re there: If I go underground, You’re there! If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon, You’d find me in a minute – You’re already there waiting!

At night I’m immersed in the light! It’s a fact: darkness isn’t dark to You; night and day, darkness and light, they’re all the same to You.

Oh yes, You shaped me first inside, then out; You formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank You, High God —You’re breathtaking!

Body and soul, I am marvelously made! You know me inside and out, You know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.

Like an open book,You watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before You, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.

(snippets from Psalm 139, The Message)

As I lingered over this passage earlier today, relishing how much God truly loves me, a vivid memory captured my attention.

I have two sons and my “baby” turned 37 this past week. Even though many years have passed I remember – just like it was yesterday – those newborn days with my GIFTS from God. I’d place my babies on the bed, turning those little 6lb.bodies over and over, examining every inch looking for birthmarks and any other physical characteristics that would resemble their dad and me. Then I studied movements and watched for responses, musing how they would develop emotionally and mentally. It wasn’t long before my heart was so overtaken with thanksgiving that it seemed I was lifted into another realm. (Of course there were those new-baby-hard-stuff challenges, but these sweet moments were the ones that kept my heart singing.)

You get it, right?

This is the very special memory God placed before me regarding His

 “love-examination” of me AND YOU. You, like me, were created in His image. The depth of His love and attention to the details of your life goes far beyond anything an earthly parent has the ability to lavish upon his and her offspring. The way He loves is unequaled to any human experience. Every nuance of your life yesterday, today, and tomorrow is held in His Heart

I also believe that God gave me this tender reminder today because you and I both need it. We need to realize and go back and visit often, the reality of His love for us individually and for each one He created.

It’s not about winning His approval; we already have it.

It’s not about worrying over judgment for all those times we’ve messed up; Our judgment  - every last thing – was taken care of on the cross.

My friend, can you just invest your energy right now in thanking God for His wonderful and unmistakable creation in YOU?! In so doing, you’re not elevating self – but elevating your Awesome God!

Go Praise Him!


The Lord knows you fully and intimately.

That reality is awe-inspiring and humbling.

That God knows you and loves you so intimately, is proof

of your great value to Him.

Dear Jesus, help me to more fully grasp how much You love me. I confess Lord, that I often don’t feel worthy or significant to others – let alone You. But Your Word is TRUTH. I acknowledge it and move into heart-felt worship in this reality. And Lord, as I learn to love myself more fully, help me to more fully love every other person whom You equally love. In Your great loving Name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

New Name

“I will give the one who overcomes a white stone, and on the stone a new name is written that no one knows except the one who receives it.”  (Revelation 2:17)

There are divine mysteries in The Bible, and this one in scripture has captured my imagination for many years.

We overcome through Jesus!

The Name of Jesus is over depression, fear, and anxiety.

His Name wipes out worry and annihilates every negative thought that threatens to take hold of mind and emotions.

The Name of Jesus is over marriages, children, and extended families.

His Name is above every circumstance you face. There is nothing more important than His Name, CHRIST HIMSELF, living inside of you!

The Jesus Who speaks power, authority, extravagant love – is going to give YOU a new name that speaks of how you have overcome through Him.

It’s True.

It’s Crazy.

It’s a Holy Mystery, waiting to be revealed.

And as we wait and anticipate, we worship – longing for the day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that . . .

Jesus Christ is Lord!