One Look At Jesus

The name placed upon this nameless woman in Scripture is Shame.  I’ve given her that name based on her “condition” when she met Jesus.

Jesus went across to Mount of Olives, but he was soon back in the Temple again. Swarms of people came to him. He sat down and taught them. The religion scholars and Pharisees led in a woman who had been caught in an act of adultery. They stood her in plain sight of everyone and said, “Teacher, this woman was caught red-handed in the act of adultery. Moses, in the Law, gives orders to stone such persons. What do you say?” They were trying to trap him into saying something incriminating so they could bring charges against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger in the dirt. They kept at him, badgering him. He straightened up and said, “The sinless one among you, go first: Throw the stone.” Bending down again, he wrote some more in the dirt. Hearing that, they walked away, one after another, beginning with the oldest. The woman was left alone. Jesus stood up and spoke to her. “Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?”
“No one, Master.”     “Neither do I,” said Jesus. “Go on your way. From now on, don’t sin.” (John 8:1-8 The Message)
Was this a set-up? Quite possibly, yes!
The religious scholars were trying to trap Jesus.
But God . . .
If He answered STONE HER to their question about the Law, then He would discredit Himself, for He was known to be a friend of sinners.
If He replied, LET HER GO, then it would appear that He was a condoner of sin and against the Law of Moses.
Certainly an air-tight case of bringing judgment to Jesus – they triumphed in their reasoning.
And then – the verbal bombshell . . .
 “The sinless one among you, go first: Throw the stone.”
Such great truth and teaching in this scripture passage, but I am going to zero in on one insight that has brought comfort and resolution to various scenarios during my walk with The Lord.
Jesus in my Defender!
Do I deserve the holy wrath of God to strike me down and take me out?

YES I do, and so do you!
But you notice here, through the eyes of Jesus, the issue is not the particular sin of this woman, but the loving compassion of our Lord. As Jesus looks at her perhaps He is reminded of the fallen state of human-kind. Perhaps He is reminded of His reason for coming to earth . . .to be the pure holy sacrifice on our behalf to appease the wrath of God so that He wouldn’t take us out for our sin.
God wants us to live with Him forever – and Jesus with His Sacrifice of Blood is the only way that can be possible, for God is holy and cannot look upon sin.
I see something else here. SHAME, standing before Jesus, was a woman who had trashed the Law of Moses. I’m pretty sure she knew her sin before her.
But what about the religious scholars – who knew and taught the Law? Did THEY see their sin? If they’d revisited the prophet Isaiah’s declaration, they did not show it.
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags.  (Isaiah 64:6 NIV)
Friend, “big sins and little sins” are ALL abominable to God!
It is Jesus your Defender who speaks to you saying . . . Where are your accusers? "Has no one condemned you?"  

It is Jesus your Defender Who cleanses you from every sin you've ever committed. And His Blood covers your sinful nature all the days of your life on earth yet to be lived.

I’m so thankful for the Blood of Jesus washing away ALL my sins – and so thankful that when God looks at me He sees the righteousness of God!

This woman steps out of scripture after her encounter with Jesus. I'd like to think she moved forward honoring her Lord and living a life of fresh insight and thankfulness. 

Although I don't know how her life played out, I do know how I want to live the rest of mine.
Lord Jesus, give me fresh insight into Your great Love and what it cost YOU to pour Your righteousness into my being. May I honor You by not judging another, and by walking in the reality that it is Your Love that defends me. 

Am I Ordinary?

If you are a Christ follower, then you have the EXTRAORDINARY JESUS living on the inside of you, and there is nothing ordinary about you!

Viewing ourselves through the world’s view may lead us to think otherwise, so that’s why it’s important that we study who we are through the lens of scripture.

You have searched me, LORD, and You know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways.

He knows YOU because He created YOU.

Before a word is on my tongue You, LORD, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and You lay Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

He’s interested in every detail of your life.

If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.

You can’t escape His Love for you.

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are Your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! If I were to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.

You are such a big deal to Him, that He planned out your life before you were even born.

Friend, these words are not simply beautiful poetry from Psalm 139 - they are LIFE GIVING TRUTH!

Know that you were created for a reason and God has a plan for your life – an EXTRAORDINARY one!

My Spiritual Bank Account

I'm happy to share a message from my new friend and seeker of truth about Jesus things. We had such fun exploring how He loves us and how He longs for us to grow deeper in relationship with Him. So - enjoy the following thoughts.

As we journey through the seasons of life, we have times we can pour ourselves into studying God's Word and drinking from the riches of scripture memory, prayer groups, and fellowship.

These are times we are "investing" in our spiritual lives. I like to compare it to a bank account. 

I can remember times in my life that I was able to put large "deposits" into my spiritual bank account - and then I can think of seasons of pain or busy-ness or depression when the deposits were few or random or very little.

How grateful I was at those "lesser times" that I did not
go bankrupt. I had made sizable deposits when I could, so I had a reserve I could draw from during those moments when my deposits were minimal.

The investments I made paid sustaining dividends when I needed them. The Lord would bring back scripture, songs, sermons, or other things that gave me exactly what I needed - and exactly when I needed it!

I encourage you to make deposits into your spiritual bank account every opportunity you get. The return on investment is great!! Then - no matter how hard any season of your life, you will never find yourself bankrupt.

Thank you, Tammy Bass, for this great reminder to store up our spiritual treasures!


Catchin’ Some Rays (some radiation rays)

Today I had a new experience; new to me, but not new to the 15,000 sufferers of Trigeminal Neuralgia this past year, according to John Hopkins Medicine.

Actually my journey with TN began a couple of years ago with episodes of “electric shock-like” jabs along the side of my face. Each episode lasted from 10-15 minutes with twelve or so episodes daily. After four weeks these episodes disappeared as randomly as they had begun.

During those four weeks, I sought relief from dental experts hoping they would find something in my x-rays to explain the raw-nerve-like pain I was experiencing. Nothing showed up, nor did they have answers for me. When the pain disappeared, so did my search for pain relief.

In mid-January of 2022, the episodes revved up again – this time more frequent and more intense. Even though the pain resonated in my teeth, traveling upward through my jaw and ear, I knew the source was not dental. The neurologist who ordered an MRI identified the culprit as a dilated artery pressing on the trigeminal nerve – the large nerve on each side of the face. This impingement was the source of the erratic pain which was debilitating and driving me crazy.

Trigeminal Neuralgia is a strange disorder, with no apparent pattern nor triggers that set it off. For me, I found nothing a trigger, yet everything a trigger. Sometimes heat set if off, other times, not. Sometimes chewing did, other times not. There was nothing I could identify that was a regular trigger that sent those “electric surges” through my face. And with each onset, there was nothing that would stop it. The best I could do was to hunker down and steel myself, waiting for the pain to subside.

Because of the weird placement of this particular artery on the nerve it is partying with, I am not a candidate for surgery – which is the usual and most effective way to deal with this problem. With the reality that most likely the episodes will grow more intense and frequent if not dealt with, the next option recommended by my surgeon was radio-surgery.

The picture here was taken during the radio-surgery procedure - a “surgery” using targeted radiation on the impingement site.

Accustomed to treating TN, the surgeon and doctors at Levine Cancer Center in Charlotte are on it! I’m grateful beyond expression to know this CRAZY HOUR RADIATION BLAST will most likely take care of the reoccurrence of this pain.

I feel extremely blessed that my journey has not been as long nor as intense as plenty of others have experienced. And I believe the reason for that is early intervention – which brings me to the primary purpose of this posting (that along with sharing the creepy picture.)

According to the oncologist/radiologist at Levine Cancer Center, many who suffer from Trigeminal Neuralgia – and finally end up with him, have had teeth pulled and extensive dental work done, frantically searching for pain relief. With the ongoing pain after dental procedures, it eventually becomes apparent that something else is going on.


So; if you are experiencing SHARP ELECTRICAL NERVE PAIN (believe me, you’ll know it) along the side of your face – with no apparent dental issue identified as the source of it, do some research on the trigeminal nerve.

And should you discover your symptoms match those you find, congratulate yourself for having something weird – and then make an appointment with a neurologist who can set you on the road that leads to pain relief.

Sharing this post will help educate those who are not familiar with this strange disorder

Hang On

God gives us earthly situations to remind us of heavenly realities. We don’t always see the “heavenly realities” part, but I recently had a flashback that nailed it for me.

I remembered having an accident years ago. I was a young mother with a toddler in tow, and pretty much useless to deal with anything other than taking care of my little one. So, I Immediately I thought of – and called - the one I KNEW would make everything ok - my daddy!

One whisper of my shaky voice in his ear was all it took for him to say, “I’ll be right there.”

Unable to drive or responsibly deal with the situation at hand, the thought that kept me steady was . . . Hang on because he’ll be here soon! 

Today, that same thought keeps running through my mind.

With all the uncertainties within this country and abroad I keep thinking, How long Lord? How long before You call up Your church and deal with the senseless evil in this world You created?

How long are Your children going to suffer these trials and tribulations that You told us would be ours in this life? You told us not to worry, and that You’d overcome (John 16:33), but it’s getting more difficult to take hold of the victory that is ours. This world is a hot mess!

Sickness, brokenness, perplexities, financial burdens, harsh and unjustified accusations toward those living by Your Word. Calling wrong things right and bad things good. We are living in a culture that celebrates immorality and dismisses ...

whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things – center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart.

(Philippians 4:8 AMP)

Without any more elaboration on the negatives, may I simply give a word of encouragement to all of us longing to live fulfilling and productive lives?

Let us shine The Light of Jesus and look for the JOY reminders He places before us each day. Let us keep praying, keep loving, and keep helping and hoping, for our DADDY hears the whisper of our shaky voice.

So . . . hang on because He’ll be here soon!

The SOMEHOW Prayer


“God is the Lord of the slim chance, the fat chance, the no chance and the second chance.”  Anne Graham Lotz

I read that quote this morning, and my thoughts went to the “Somehow Prayer.”

Growing up, I remember words and phrases from some of the great prayer warriors in our church. One phrase that has played through my mind and often been a part of my praying is the phrase . . . Somehow God, would you . . .

As a child I remember being intrigued by such a request of God. What did it mean to ask God “a somehow?” Shouldn’t we just tell Him how we thought He should handle a particular problem? Couldn’t we figure out the best solution and simply lay it out before Him?

And then as I matured and life became more complicated I realized that many times we have no idea of how to bring about the best result for many of the problems we face. You know – those situations in life that appear hopeless with only a slim chance of resolving. And then there are those events where there appears to be no chance at all of any peaceful and sensible resolution.

And then, if we’re tuned in to God’s Heart, we begin to breathe a bit deeper and lighter, realizing within His great love – there’s always a 2nd chance.

Where are you struggling today? Is your heart heavy with searching for relief, for resolution, for peace to replace your mind’s turmoil? Perhaps this is the time for you to learn Somehow Praying.

Let me share a smattering of somehow-jumpstarts that may help you lean on the One Who is longing to, and capable of, taking on your burden and replacing your angst with His Holy Resolve.

Lord, I have made a mess of things. Would You somehow bring Your order out of this chaos, showing me Your glory in this junk?

Lord, I’ve failed You. I am so sorry. Will You forgive me and somehow help me to  . . .

I’m waiting on a report from my doctor, and my mind is filled with what-ifs. I need Your peace. Lord would You somehow take hold of my mind and thoughts?

I don’t know why this cloud of depression is hanging over me. I need You Lord, to lift it and to somehow to . . .

To me, Somehow Praying goes right along with Romans 8:26-27.

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

You see, when you genuinely offer your somehow-cry to your Father in submissiveness – the Spirit takes over and translates the “plea you have no words for” to the heart and mind of God. Your cries are heard. Your longings for God to take it, fix it, heal it, and restore it – are received and honored as a genuine request. 

Oh Father, somehow would You help each one reading and considering these words right now – to understand the huge-ness of Your love for Your children?

Would You somehow help each one grasp how close You are and how You long to take care of every SOMEHOW in the life of Your precious child. Amen.

Can JOY and SADNESS Live Together?

“We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. He saw the joy ahead of him, so that he endured death on the
cross. . . " (Hebrews 12:2)

I've been thinking quite a bit lately about the presence of both joy and suffering living together in the Christian's heart.

Years ago, I remember it was difficult for me to accept this reality. Thinking particularly back to one morning early as I was "trying" to celebrate God's goodness and express a thankful heart, I voiced to Him that this was impossible to do with all the suffering I was aware of going on in the lives of others. It seemed to me at that time that you either experienced JOY or SADNESS. It never occurred to me then, that the heart of true worship is experiencing them together. Because of my limited view, my prayer life often left me feeling helpless and inadequate in my worship.

It was years later that I read Hannah Hurnard's Hinds Feet on High Places. In this beautifully written allegory of a shepherdess named Much Afraid, The Chief Shepherd invites her to journey to the high places, giving her two companions to help her along the way. Sorrow and Suffering were their names.

Through the years since that reading, and after repeatedly searching the scriptures about this matter, I understand that the human heart captured by God, is often filled with sadness brought on by suffering AND joy, simultaneously.

Jesus Himself, in His humanity experienced this co-habitation of JOY and SADNESS.

Reading about His life experiences in the gospels, we know that He experienced: joy in relationships, delighting people as He performed miracles, and while going about His earthly ministry duties. We also read about His suffering revolving around those same areas.

So just like Jesus experienced - joy and suffering are not exclusive of each other. Many of our earthly experiences include both.

A recent example of this played out during our family's Christmas celebration. While we experienced great joy celebrating with our Tennessee son's family in our home, there was great sadness that a positive COVID test prevented our Florida son's family from being with us during this once a year gathering.

Not totally joyful, not totally sad - but a combination of both.

My heart's resolution was to accept the reality that co-habitation was OK. I could worship God in no other way; for to be totally joyful was to disregard the pain of not being with half our family. To be totally sad, was to dismiss the joy of being with the other half.

Deferring to God and His Word will always put you back on track. Because of the JOY awaiting Him, Jesus endured the painful suffering of the cross. That shameful and painful suffering for Jesus and those earthlings who loved Him, ushered in the Ultimate Joy that is ours to celebrate, and YES - in the midst of pain and sadness.

TRUTH: Jesus will help you navigate through the co-mingling of joy and sadness.

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have perfect peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous - be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 AMP)

APPLICATION: Consider your feelings of being joyful and sad simultaneously. Take some time to journal the dichotomy of wrestling with the reality of these emotions being so different and both very strong. Describe your heartache that makes you sad, and then describe your struggle and yearning to be joyful in Jesus. Ask The Holy Spirit to shed light on your struggle and help you process how best to worship God, giving Him both your joy and your sadness. He WILL help you; that's His pleasure!

LET'S PRAY: Dear Father, You walked this earth being filled with both sadness and joy. Please show me how to honor You with a heart of worship that accepts both the joy and the sadness of earthly living. For now - until I'm in Your presence, that's how it will play out. I thank You with a full heart, that the moment my spirit leaves this body I will enter into Your Presence being infused with total and glorious joy forevermore. Amen

God Loves Me


“This will be the sign for you. You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a manger.”  Luke 2:12

I remember very well that early rainy morning years ago, sitting in my kitchen nursing the grief I felt over not being all I wanted to be. I have found that many women have had the same experience. There seems to always be something more we should have done, something we should have said – or something we should NOT have said. 

There are things . . . we haven’t accomplished, but want to and longings that continue to remain un-fulfilled.  I have come to realize that when we get caught up in such negative thinking, it clouds our perception of who we really are in Jesus.
Because my Father loves me and wants me to stay on track with spiritual truth, He gave me a gift that day years ago – tucked in the folds of a baby blanket.     
My boys were young then.  Brandon was in his early teens and Lane had just entered kindergarten.  All of a sudden I remembered the blanket; the favorite baby blanket belonging to the boys came to mind.  Woman on a mission, I left my brooding spot and went digging in the closet between the sheets and towels until I found it.  There – soft, white, with pink and blue ribbons around the border, it lay – just begging to be held. 
I remember particularly noticing the ribbons, recalling that the gift had been given by one who did not know the baby’s gender.  And in that same moment, I was flooded with a sweet reality that the PINK RIBBON was for me!  Oh yes – years after the boys had discarded this precious wrapping, my Father who understands all about my needs – placed it before me.  God often gives me visual reminders of His love. And that day at precisely that moment, He gave me the blanket with the pink and blue ribbons.  It was just what I needed to remind me of His love and His security.   There in that tiny closet, I wrapped myself in the baby blanket and sensed God wrapping His love around me.
This story, perhaps a bit sappy, is couched in truth you need to hear - especially on those days when you’re feeling “less than.”  You can deal with those insecurities of feeling inadequate by embracing these simple but life changing truths. You can live out the reality that Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life, no matter what circumstances may indicate. He longs to empower you and get you back on track with spiritual-reality thinking.
TRUTH:  You are God’s daughter. If Jesus Christ lives in your heart, your Heavenly Father loves you in a way none other can. You will never discover complete fulfillment by looking inside yourself or within the earthly roles you are experiencing now. Children grow up and move away. Your roles change as seasons of life change.
APPLICATION:  During these few days before Christmas, take time to sit with God, reflecting upon His humble birth in Bethlehem. Consider how God’s Glory entered humanity – not in a sanitized setting, but in
a dirty, impure environment. Offer Him your heart – your heart that sometimes feels very dirty and impure. Give Him the gifts of praise and thankfulness for the way He loves you. Give him the "now" of your life, offering Him a renewed thankfulness and commitment to trust Him in this season of life. 
SCRIPTURE:  Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  (Psalm 51:10)
PRAYER:  Father, just as You entered this world as a tiny baby boy and was wrapped snugly in those swaddling clothes Your love caresses me when I feel less than worthy as the woman You created. I’m amazed that You would choose to come down from glory and settle in a dirty feeding trough. I’m also amazed that You would choose to take up residence in my impure heart often filled with self-criticism and sometimes judgment of others. Regardless of my earthly failures and the many times I miss the mark of holiness, I AM worthy – all because of Jesus. As I continue to turn to You with love and adoration help me to catch fresh glimpses of the way You love me. This Christmas I give You a new and thankful ME. Amen.

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The Faith Walk is a series of ups and downs, highs and lows. Not until we are in the presence of Jesus, will all of our longings be satisfied. Until then, we experience disappointments that are a part of living life on earth.

Today I was hit with disappointment. It had to do with a secret longing I’d been carrying around for a while. Years ago I’d put myself in training, for this is not the only time disappointment has threatened to eclipse my joy. The training exercise that I got to practice once again today, is simply this; seize the moment of the heartache of disappointment, and immediately focus on Jesus.

“Jesus I need a word from You,”  became my immediate focus.

Jesus is the only one who can take the sting out of disappointing circumstances. Today He not only removed the sting; He captured my heart with a new longing – a longing far more satisfying than the one removed.

Before I even completed the thought of needing to hear from Him, He overwhelmed my soul with . . .
Let ME be enough.
The message was so quiet and so non-intrusive, that I almost missed it – but I didn’t!

That gentle welcoming Voice exploded inside of me causing an eruption of PURE JOY. Immediately my mind turned around as I delightfully called out to Him . . .
Jesus, You ARE enough.
The hours that followed have been filled with praise and adoration to The One worthy of my heart’s longings.  Here’s what I’ve discovered ...
Jesus is not the stepping stone to something greater in my life. . .
He IS my life!

Does your heart have unfulfilled longings? Are there secret hopes and dreams that you have held onto for a long time? There is ONE who IS the answer.
TRUTH: We will not escape disappointments in this life, but Jesus promises to be our fulfillment.
SCRIPTURE:  The LORD will always lead you, satisfy you in a parched land, and strengthen your bones.

You will be like a watered garden and like a spring whose waters never run dry.  (Isaiah 58:11 CSB)
APPLICATION:  Reserve some special moments with your Father to talk over your longings. Dig deeply into your heart, talking over your bruised emotions and broken dreams. Ask Him to help you move into the place of truly . . . letting Him be enough.
PRAYER: Dear Lord – YOU ARE ENOUGH. Help me to sink into that holy reality of knowing and walking in the truth of YOU being all I truly need. I want to honor You Jesus, more than I want the lesser longings of my life to be met. I know that You love me and long to satisfy me with Your presence. I know You long to strengthen my wobbly emotions and jagged mind. I trust You Lord, to lead me and satisfy those deepest yearnings of my soul. Fill me Jesus, with Your living water that never runs dry. Turn my gaze upon You as I pray in Your loving name, Amen.

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- Instagram - Cindi Wood Author
- Twitter - Cindi Wood Author


As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind beggar was sitting beside the road. When he heard the noise of a crowd going past, he asked what was happening. They told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by. So he began shouting,
 “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
“Be quiet!” the people in front yelled at him. But he only shouted louder,
 “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
When Jesus heard him, He stopped and ordered that the man be brought to Him. As the man came near, Jesus asked him,
 “What do you want me to do for you?”
“Lord,” he said, “I want to see!”
And Jesus said, “All right, receive your sight. Your faith has healed you.”
Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus, praising God. And all who saw it praised God too.     (Luke 18:35-43 NLT)
In this passage we see a blind beggar, overcome with an unstoppable and relentless plea for mercy. Day after day he dragged his tired body and positioned it where he could best be seen and heard. Not able to work because of his blindness, he sat by the wayside begging.
This image tugs at my heart. A real person, loved by God, but often overlooked and dismissed by others. Can you imagine the low self-esteem heaped on top of being physically needy? He surely felt destitute of love of self and love from others.
And then . . . Jesus!
Surely he had heard about Him – heard about His miraculous healings. This man who had no hope of being rescued from his earthly plight, cries out to “Jesus, Son of David,” a title reserved for The Messiah. This destitute man believed. He had faith that Jesus was Who He said He was, and that He alone could heal him.
And Jesus did – what Jesus does. He heard the desperate plea from the shredded heart of this one bogged down in despair and hopelessness.
The blind beggar was just that; blind and begging. At the moment Jesus passed by he re-adjusted his focus from physical blindness – to being blind to everyone except Jesus. He closed his ears to others’ ridicule and negative comments – hearing only the compassionate words of Jesus.
Friend, you can do the very same thing right now. You can call out to Jesus, taking your shredded heart and despair to The One who knows and understands everything you are going through. And – He loves you through and through.
It may take a bit of “man-handling” your mind and emotions, but you can block out THE CIRCUMSTANCE that is weighing you down and re-set your focus on the only One who can really help you.
TRUTH: When you become desperate for Jesus, you will come to focus more on His love and grace and rely less on your own strength and ability.
APPLICATION: Write a personal prayer to Jesus in your journal or on a separate piece of paper to be shredded. Make it a heart to God’s Heart talk. Talk with Him about your inability to resolve what needs to be resolved. Talk with Him about your hurting heart and your need for His help in order to rise above the circumstance before you. Ask Him to do what only He can do.
SCRIPTURE: You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and His rule. 
(Matthew 5:3 Message)


PRAYER: Dear Father, show me how to allow my crumpled heart to be settled in You. At every turn, it seems, there are people hurting and in desperate need of Your healing touch. I can’t heal them; You can. I can’t heal my ragged and weary heart; You can. Please, Lord Jesus, do what only You can do. In Your Loving Name I pray, Amen.

Balloon Pop

I’m embarrassed - for real, I am – even after all these years. However, I need to be straight-up with you. I want you to know I have experiential knowledge of what’s at stake when stress turns you into a victim, arms flailing and words spewing while those on the sidelines shriek back in horror or worse yet … laugh! Actually, I have many such memories, but one particular day springs to mind when I think over those many times I LOST IT!

Before reading my story, imagine you are a latex balloon (a red-hot one of course). Each stress event in your day deposits a puff of air into YOU– the balloon. Here’s my real-life scenario and how it all went down.

My thirteen year old son Brandon and I were finally on the homeward trek after a difficult (did I say DIFFICULT?) day at the middle school where I taught and he was in the seventh grade. Lots of opportunities throughout my teaching day for those stressors to puff into my balloon! Students bickering, parents calling, interrupted schedules and unexpected reports had greatly increased my stress load since we’d left home at 6:30AM.

We were running on a tight schedule, and had just enough time to get home, grab a bite to eat, and head out the door for the Little Theater production starring my son as lead character. Proud mama? Yes, but agitation was trumping the pride! There was no time (did I say NO TIME?) for a hiccup in our plans. Tension mounting, nerves fraying. . . let the countdown begin!

Brandon takes a note out of his book-bag. 5 “Mom, I need a pair of white socks for the play tonight” 4 “What? Why am I just now hearing this?” 3 “I didn’t mention it because I thought I had white socks!” 2 “You DO have white socks!” 1 “Mama, I thought I did but I don’t have any white socks!” 0!

Balloon pop! It’s over!!!

Calm mom. Usually even-tempered mom, explodes when the WHITE SOCK AGITATOR pushes her over the edge. I don’t need to describe the explosion. You know what it looks like, sounds like, and how unforgettable it is for all who experience it.

Take a moment to reminisce over your last balloon pop – if you can stand the painful embarrassment of it. Then give yourself some grace and allow God to do a bit of work in your heart and soul.

From one who is a daily seeker of Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment – I can tell you the first step, and the critical step, is a desperation for your heart to mesh with the Heart of God. For much of my earlier life, STRESS had a hold on me. I tried to prevent it, manage it, organize it, and pray it away. Not until I became desperate to know God, instead of being desperate to get rid of stress . . . did life begin to change.

I don’t understand it, but I know it’s true. For me, God used the overload of stress in my life to reveal His Glory. And what a blessing! I’m living proof that coming to the end of your rope can be a blessed event, but only when it drives you to God’s Heart!

So, if you’re wallowing in guilt over those times you’ve lost it, just know that Jesus will use those moments to teach you, mellow you, and allow you to have more compassion when you witness the same kind of explosion in others.


The accumulation of common daily hassles can cause your “balloon to pop” but Jesus will use it to draw you back to His Side.

If you don’t have a designated journal to scribble out your thoughts and prayers, get one. Spend some time writing about your moments of stress, then talk with your Father about helping you to become more focused on Him and His peace that lives inside of you.

You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and His rule. (Matthew 5:3 – The Message)

Dear Father, I finally admit it. I’m desperate for You to bring peace into my life. I know my efforts can’t do it, and my love alone, is not enough. I honestly don’t understand how to deal with all of the stress that’s in my life, so I come to You – helpless and needy. You have promised to bless me when I turn to You. Here I am. I love You. In the powerfully strong Name of Jesus, Amen.


Early one morning during my time of Bible Study and talking with Jesus about my day ahead, I kept hearing the phrase . . . this and that.

As the moments passed, the phrase turned into . . . You do this and I’ll do that. 

I recognized this phrase-dropping as a direct message from the Father. He loves to speak to His children, and does so through His Word, through circumstances, through other people, and for me – often through “phrase-dropping.”

He appeared to be reminding me of His faithfulness to act when we move in obedience to what He instructs us to do. I began thinking of Biblical circumstances where this concept played out. Consider these examples:

John 6:1-15 – Jesus told His disciples to DO THIS. Bring the five loaves and 2 fish to Him, have the people sit down. And then He DID THAT. After the bread was distributed among them all they continued in obedience by gathering the leftover fragments so that nothing would be wasted. All marveled at the miracle that occurred that day.

You do this and I’ll do that.

John 5; 5 - 9  - Jesus told the invalid who had placed his hope in the healing waters of the pool to DO THIS. “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” (vs.8) And when he did, Jesus DID THAT. The man was cured because he followed in obedience.

You do this and I’ll do that.

John 11:1- 44 – In the account of Jesus bringing Lazarus back from the dead, He told those around his tomb to DO THIS. “Take away the stone.” (vs. 39)

And when they did (after hesitation, I would add) Jesus DID THAT. Again, because of obedience in following the command from The Lord, Jesus responded in another glorious way.

Scripture is full of these interchanges of obedience to Jesus and the revealing of His Glory. Can you think of others?

Later, after I had mentally revisited other encounters of You do did and I’ll do that . . . throughout God’s Word, He graciously reminded me of my most recent personal experience with this holy exchange.

The If you will do this, then I will do that principle . . . played out in the writing of the most recent Bible study; BLOOD CLOTS, Blockages to Experiencing the Resurrection Power of Christ.

If you’ve read the introduction in the study, you already know that God specifically gave me the exact instruction of the title and message. It was…

Write a book entitled BLOOD CLOTS and make it about those blockages in Believers’ lives that keep them from experiencing My power.

Friend, it took me a long time to complete my THIS. But now, God in His graciousness, is allowing me to see His THAT! The Study is being used to equip women to move about in their God-given power that is theirs through relationship with Jesus, and because of His Bloodshed on the Cross. Women are beginning to identify those “Clots” that block the flow of this power, keeping them earthbound instead of power-bound. Clots like worry, guilt, shame, pride, busyness of life, and etc. 

I’m convinced that God is doing HIS THAT because I did THE THIS He told me to do.

I hope you’ll take some moments to ponder this concept in scripture and in your personal walk with The Lord. May He reveal fresh insights about His glory that He longs to reveal when His children obey His commands.

You can never go wrong by choosing to OBEY JESUS!

If you love Me, you will keep my commands.

(John 14:15 HCSB)

Have You Considered Old Testament Sacrifices?

Do you think it’s important for Christians to study and understand the Old Testament sacrifices? If you’re like many believers, chances are you either dismiss thinking about the Israelites’ sacrificial offerings at all – or you dismiss their relevance to us living on this side of the Cross.

 But considering the sacrificial system before Jesus became the once-and–for-all sacrifice is extremely important to those who long to go deeper with God.

 Drawing from a personal analogy, I think of it this way. Reflecting on my parents’ propensities toward high cholesterol and blood pressure as they aged helps me to understand my own journey towards such. I enjoy and appreciate a healthy lifestyle because I continually make good diet and exercise choices, knowing I have the genetic tendency for those numbers to climb high.

 So, the same thing rings true in my spiritual journey. By considering the sacrifices that God required in His covenant with Israel, I become familiar with the “spiritual mechanics” of God accepting and cleansing His children through those sacrifices.

 Have YOU as a believer in Christ, given thought to those first sacrifices?

 Do you understand that the striking feature of many of those ancient ceremonies was the use of blood?

 Would you like to understand the link between the death of Jesus and all those sacrifices that happened before His death, burial, and resurrection?

 Would you like to thank Him more deeply for what He did for you on the cross?

 -   -   -   -   -

BLOOD CLOTS, Blockages to Experiencing the Resurrection Power of Christ

will provide you with new understanding and insights of His Love.

Grab yours at OR Amazon.


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BLOOD CLOTS - now that’s an unusual name for a book, right?

But actually, I’m totally fine with it because of the Originator of the title and content of this Six Week Study for women. For those of you who have yet to grab the newest, here’s a bit of sharing that explains the title, from the introductory pages . . .

The sun was bright and warm that afternoon as I sat outside working through my list of things to get done for the upcoming week. Right in the middle of sorting through appointments and calls to make, God spoke. I describe it as His “audible-inaudible” voice, and I had heard it before. Not articulated in words, but a message so strong and unlike any other voice, that I knew it to be His.

Let me be quick to say that God loves to speak to His children. It may be with a direct message shot straight to your inner ears, or it may come through another person. He often speaks through circumstances, and of course – He always speaks through His Word.

This time it was a command, and in that split second I knew with absolute certainty what it was.

Write a book entitled BLOOD CLOTS about the blockages in Believers’ lives preventing them from experiencing My resurrection power.

After years of writing, researching, and praying – this Bible Study for women has just been released. Study-groups are forming to talk about the Clots of Worry, Guilt, Busyness, along with other blockages that women may experience in their daily trying-to-keep-it-together lifestyles.

Do you long for His supernatural power? Is there something stirring in your heart, even now, that whispers . . . God has more for me than what I am currently experiencing?

Do you want, REALLY want, to be a woman who doesn’t lose it with her kids, who loves her friends well through difficult seasons, who relies on God through grief and sorrow, who handles stress at work without flipping out, who navigates cheerfully through the waves of laundry, dishes, messy children’s rooms, and shows grace to her enemies and lots of loving support to her friends? Do you, more than anything, want to take hold of everything God has for you, His child – through the power of the resurrection of His Son, Jesus?

Well Sister, I invite you to journey with me through this Study that is the product of my obedience to The Father. For the Believer in Jesus, God’s power is available for those darkest times of life, as well as for every mundane moment of drudgery we may soldier through on a daily basis.

If you are done with living in your own strength and seriously want God’s Spirit to come to life in you, power up with the Risen Jesus and He will make it happen!

BLOOD CLOTS. . . Blockages to Experiencing the Resurrection Power of Christ

-       available on Amazon and at

I’d also love sharing these Great Truths from Scripture in person with your Ladies’ Group. Click on the Booking/Press link at and let’s make it happen!

Delusion or Deliverance!

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This article was written by The Reverend Billy Graham in April of 2016.  An insightful and appropriate read for these days before our 2020 elections take place.  As you prayerfully read, may our Father reach those “difficult to reach” places in your mind and heart – those places where only HE can touch.  Cindi


We are apparently living in the time described by Paul: “In the last days perilous times will come: For men shall be lovers of themselves … lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:1-2, 4).

This modern age holds more glittering allurements than any other age in history. Yet we find responsible people trying to gloss over these evils. This is not a time to gloss over, rationalize and explain away, but it is a time to oppose evil, lest our society becomes totally corrupt.

The Bible plainly teaches that one of the characteristics of the end of this age is that people will develop a capacity for delusion rather than the truth.

Today, sin is explained away by psychological terminology. God is portrayed as a sentimental creature who never lets His wrath fall on anyone. Thousands of Americans are deluded by philosophies that are destroying the strength of the nation and threatening our security.

Surely we are living in the day of which the Apostle Paul warned when he wrote: “And with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

What a mysterious and striking statement Paul makes, “For this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie.” And yet what a candid picture of modern man: deceived by the mouthings of demagogues, yet indifferent to the voice of God. Driven by some diabolical, compulsive force, we rush toward the precipice of global destruction.

The Bible indicates that because we have rejected the truth, we are victims of a gigantic delusion. Paul had said earlier to the Romans that the people of his day had “changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator.”

And “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions” (Romans 1:25-26). Three times in the first chapter of Romans the Scripture says, “God gave them up” because of their sins.

Everywhere we look today, we see the propensity for delusion. We see it in our gullibility for false advertising. Madison Avenue has built a gigantic business on the principle that modern man has the capacity for deception.

We see this capacity for delusion in politics. Political platforms, like the platforms of trains, are for the sole purpose of getting a man aboard. When we witness the maneuvering, the use of power, the conniving and the policy of expediency in our political arena, it is no wonder someone has said, “We have the best politicians that money can buy.”

The Scripture teaches that the more sins we commit, the easier it becomes to sin. It lies in the nature of God’s moral government and in the moral constitution of man that sin indulged weakens the strength of resistance, and so invites and prepares the way for more frequent and violent assaults of temptation.

Thus, yielding to sin receives part of its punishment in the slavery to sin. All men and women must believe something; if not the truth, then the lie of the devil.

Paul says that the unbelievers in Thessalonica had their pleasure in evil. Thus, they became “wise” in doing evil and fell so deep in sin that they began to call evil good.

Where a person has deviated from the eternal rules of God and morality, there is darkness. And while in darkness, he begins to pass false judgments upon most things of vital import. You, too, can reach such a state in your sinfulness that you can no longer tell the difference between good and evil.

This passage indicates that God sends this delusion upon sinners. The Scriptures and experience suggest that there comes a point when God gives men and women up in their sins. He can do this by withdrawing His enlightening influence from their understanding.

It is never possible to understand the happenings in our times unless God gives us spiritual illumination. Because our sins have become so heinous in His sight, He withdraws this spiritual illumination and we stumble on in our blindness into the deeper darkness.

Even the church is in danger of being led astray and deluded by false teachers and pastors. Jeremiah cried out: “’Woe to the shepherds [pastors] who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!’’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:1). God warned the people of Jerusalem in that ancient day, “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; They speak a vision of their own heart, Not from the mouth of the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:16).

God warned that they say, “You shall have peace,” when there is no peace; that they say, “No evil shall come upon you” (Jeremiah 23:17) when destruction is about to fall.

God accused the prophets of that day of having perverted the words of the living God, and God warned, “I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you, and a perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten” (Jeremiah 23:40).

The Scripture teaches that Satan sometimes fashions himself into an angel of light. When the devil approaches to tempt, he does not carry a warning sign saying, “I am the devil.” He comes in a thousand subtle forms, with delusions and lying wonders.

First he brings the delusion that sin will bring fullness to your life.

This was the first delusion that the devil ever brought to the human race. Though it is worn and threadbare, he is still repeating it today. To Adam and Eve he said, “For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5).

I have a friend who was one of the nation’s youngest golf “pros” at the age of 17. He had high ideals as a young man, but he fell prey to the same delusion when his pals insisted that he conform to their way of life. Because he wanted to fit in, he began to do the things the gang did until he became an alcoholic and a bum. He fell a victim to the age-old delusion that the way to a full life is to break God’s law. Sin pays—but it pays off in remorse, regret and failure.

Many of you think that real fun is found in conforming to this world, living a life of unrestrained appetite and pleasure. Yet the Scriptures warn that “the way of the unfaithful is hard” (Proverbs 13:15).

I wish you could look over my shoulder and read some of the letters which I receive telling of broken hearts, broken homes and shattered futures. The writers believed a lie rather than the truth.

Second, Satan tries to get us to believe that the soul is of much less importance than the body. Jesus brushed this delusion aside when He asked, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).

The Scripture says there is a time to be born and a time to die. The Scripture warns that life is like grass that withers or a flower that fades.

In other words, life is surprisingly short. Yet millions are living as though this were the only life that counted. They have completely lost sight of eternity. Would to God that we would learn to live each day with eternity’s values in view.

Nowhere has the biblical question, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3) ever been successfully answered, except in the Scriptures. The answer is: There is no escape from God. Yet thousands of people think that they can escape from the realities of time and eternity.

Men and women are trying to escape through imagination, pleasure, false security or self-sufficiency, but the Bible warns there is no such escape. However, there is good news for all of you who are seeking a way out. There is one way of escape. There is one way of deliverance.

Following the frightening words, “How shall we escape,” we are told about God’s way of escape. “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone … and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Hebrews 2:9, 15). He is the way of escape that God provided.

The Bible declares, “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). The Scripture teaches that He is the embodiment of all truth. Come to Him in simple, childlike faith, and He will be your way of escape. He brings you to Himself, to send you back into the world as His witness.

Finally, many are deceived by Satan into thinking that there is plenty of time to get right with God.

Amos the prophet said to the people of his day, “Prepare to meet your God” (Amos 4:12). But the people refused to prepare, and judgment came. I am certain that almost all those people planned to make their peace with God sometime.

We neglect our relationship with God because we are deluded into thinking that the Christian faith is just a cosmic fire insurance policy to save us from hell. It does more than that. It saves us from hell on earth.

The older we grow, the dimmer the faculty of hearing becomes. Just so does our capacity to hear the voice of God diminish with age.

You will never find it easier to accept Christ than at this moment. To delay one moment is to find it harder. “Now is the accepted time,” says the Bible. “Now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

It is a delusion to think that tomorrow will be better than today. Faith in tomorrow, rather than faith in Christ, is a delusion that will cause you to be finally and eternally lost. ©1960 BGEA


Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version.


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Three Places To Turn When Your Heart Shuts Down


Some things you’ll never get over, but you will get through.

If that thought does not resonate with you on a personal level, you indeed are numbered among the few. Life is tough and the circumstances that threaten to take us under can leave us feeling overwhelmed and unable to process. As God’s daughters we may go through those times of feeling utterly helpless, but we are never hopeless! For God Himself is living within us making it possible to triumphantly get through every unsettling season of life. Here are three realities where I place my trust when troubling circumstances threaten to take me under.

  1. Jesus understands my broken heart.

On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus cried out to The Father. My soul is crushed by sorrow, even to the point of death. (Mark 14:34 NLB) No one understands the depths of human suffering better than God. He never dismisses my pain, but calls me to run to Him when I can’t take it any more. In the total humanity of Jesus as He lived life on this earth, He gets it. Because He is also totally God, He alone can get me through

      2. God will guide me through His Spirit.

But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. (John 14:26 CSB)

Stress can fill your mind with confusion. How wonderful knowing that you have a Counselor who will speak to you, guiding you with promptings in your spirit. He will also remind you of previous victories when God saw you through tough times. Recognizing His presence living inside of me, quiets my troubled heart and reminds me of God’s constant companionship and guidance.

  1. God gives me prayer language through His Word.

When my mind becomes distracted and overrun by anxiety, I have discovered the safest and most “accurate” way to pray is to pray scripture. I can always confidently know that when I pray God’s Word back to Him, I am praying in accordance with His Will. Seeking direction for a decision I must make, often prompts me to personalize a prayer based on Psalm 32:8.

Lord, Your Word says that You will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go. You will counsel me with Your loving eye upon me. Thank You Lord, for I rest in this promise.

When those times of emotional gridlock shut you down and you can’t seem to pray or read your Bible, God will run to you! You are His child and He is your rescue!

I will never (under any circumstances) desert you (nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless), nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you (assuredly not)!   Hebrews 13:5 AMP

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Sacred Balance

You were never meant to handle everybody’s problems and take care of every situation that unfolds before you. It’s unhealthy to even try. So many women are juggling too many roles and finding insufficient time to do all the things they are trying to do. Packing each hour as full as you can, leaves you more stressed than ever before.

So, having said all of the above, is the problem that there is not enough time or that you are trying to do too much? Sacred Balance is living in a place where you learn to evaluate your time by God’s design and according to His plan. Consulting with Him is the only way to achieve balance in daily living

Many are finding more demands on their time and energy during these days of navigating through a pandemic. We simply must take the time to consult with our Father about our scheduling. Only He can instruct us how to balance our time during these trying days.

It may seem counterintuitive to add spending time with God to your already over-crowded schedule. But actually, it’s not! God will honor you by seeking Him first. He will speak to you through His Word and in your spirit as you rest in Him. You must realize this and accept it by faith on the front end of making the commitment to spend time with Him in worship, study, and intercession.

I do not take the invitation of Jeremiah 33:3 lightly. I’m training myself to continually seek the Lord, asking His opinion, and expecting Him to lead me through His Word.

Getting to know Jesus more deeply and pursuing a lifestyle of talking over the details of every day with Him gives you a new and different perspective on what’s truly important in life. The Holy Spirit will counsel you (that’s His role) as you seek answers from Him about your daily schedule during these difficult days.

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.  Jeremiah 33:3

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Dealing With Corona Virus Uncertainty

If you find yourself in a quandary about the myriad of issues surrounding the Corona Virus, you certainly are not alone.

Do I go to church or is it best to worship online? Should I wear my mask every time I go into a public place? Should I refrain from eating in restaurants even though they seem to be taking proper precautions to block the spread of COVID-19? Will I be safe taking the vaccine? Should I just forget it all and go on as if nothing has changed.

So many questions! Who do you listen to when trying to evaluate your best course of action? Truly, there is not a one-size fits all solution. People are different and so are circumstances.

I have come to rely on scripture in a new way during these troubling times. Ultimately, only God knows the best course of action for any individual in any circumstance. I’m trying to stay informed as I’m seeking His guidance – which include listening to His promptings about which news to believe, along with which is the best choice of action for me. That’s still the best way to roll.

Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God – who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly – and it will be given to him.    (James 1:5 CSB)

When Jesus left those troubled disciples before His death on the cross, He knew they’d be confused and overwhelmed. He knew they needed guidance – MUCH GUIDANCE – in the days ahead.

I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever. (John 14:6 AMP)

That’s it! We need a counselor to help us make the best plan of action personally, for the Corona Virus. Did Jesus really mean He would help us know what to do in working through this crazy mess?

Yes indeed! If you have accepted Jesus into your heart as the Lord of your life, then the Holy Spirit has entered into a living relationship with you. He lives in you and is constantly with you. He IS your Counselor and will help you make each and every decision that is before you. I can’t tell you the best approach for YOU, but He can – and He will. Seeking His guidance and then following in obedience to those inner promptings delivered to you heart and mind, will keep you stable as we continue to walk through these uncertain days.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.   

(Proverbs 3:5-6 HCSB)

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He Loves to Help You

I remember taking my elderly grandmother to her favorite restaurant to eat. It was after a doctor’s appointment, and we arrived right at lunchtime. When I approached the parking lot, it was full and I prayed aloud, “Lord, give us a parking space right up front.” As I turned into the lot, a space right in front of the door became vacant. My grandmom and I laughed and talked about how the Holy Spirit opened that place just for us. To me, it was another awesome reminder of how God longs to be involved in our lives, helping us in practical ways. It would have been difficult for my grandmom to have walked very far – and He knew that.

You may not get a specific answer to the request you voice to Him, but many times you will. Other times you may sense His guidance as He impresses you in certain ways. Then you need to follow up in obedience. He may lead you to carry through with something or not do something. He may impress you to change your attitude about a certain matter or apologize to a friend. He may simply want you to thank Him for filling you with His peace and freeing you from worry. I can’t list all the ways He might speak to you, but I can assure you that He will.

As you acknowledge His presence, thank Him for desiring to be involved in your life. Then, know with confidence that your Helper will remain with you forever. That’s the promise of Jesus.

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor – Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever. 

- John 14:16 Amplified Bible

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