The SOMEHOW Prayer
“God is the Lord of the slim chance, the fat chance, the no chance and the second chance.” Anne Graham Lotz
I read that quote this morning, and my thoughts went to the “Somehow Prayer.”
Growing up, I remember words and phrases from some of the great prayer warriors in our church. One phrase that has played through my mind and often been a part of my praying is the phrase . . . Somehow God, would you . . .
As a child I remember being intrigued by such a request of God. What did it mean to ask God “a somehow?” Shouldn’t we just tell Him how we thought He should handle a particular problem? Couldn’t we figure out the best solution and simply lay it out before Him?
And then as I matured and life became more complicated I realized that many times we have no idea of how to bring about the best result for many of the problems we face. You know – those situations in life that appear hopeless with only a slim chance of resolving. And then there are those events where there appears to be no chance at all of any peaceful and sensible resolution.
And then, if we’re tuned in to God’s Heart, we begin to breathe a bit deeper and lighter, realizing within His great love – there’s always a 2nd chance.
Where are you struggling today? Is your heart heavy with searching for relief, for resolution, for peace to replace your mind’s turmoil? Perhaps this is the time for you to learn Somehow Praying.
Let me share a smattering of somehow-jumpstarts that may help you lean on the One Who is longing to, and capable of, taking on your burden and replacing your angst with His Holy Resolve.
Lord, I have made a mess of things. Would You somehow bring Your order out of this chaos, showing me Your glory in this junk?
Lord, I’ve failed You. I am so sorry. Will You forgive me and somehow help me to . . .
I’m waiting on a report from my doctor, and my mind is filled with what-ifs. I need Your peace. Lord would You somehow take hold of my mind and thoughts?
I don’t know why this cloud of depression is hanging over me. I need You Lord, to lift it and to somehow to . . .
To me, Somehow Praying goes right along with Romans 8:26-27.
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
You see, when you genuinely offer your somehow-cry to your Father in submissiveness – the Spirit takes over and translates the “plea you have no words for” to the heart and mind of God. Your cries are heard. Your longings for God to take it, fix it, heal it, and restore it – are received and honored as a genuine request.
Oh Father, somehow would You help each one reading and considering these words right now – to understand the huge-ness of Your love for Your children?
Would You somehow help each one grasp how close You are and how You long to take care of every SOMEHOW in the life of Your precious child. Amen.