Discovering the Secret Place
There's a SECRET place.
I don't know how to describe it, and I can hardly give description to it in my own mind - but I know it's there.
It's that "secret place" where every single one created by God (and that's every person) has ability to connect with His heart.
Ps. 91:1 (AMPC) states that when we go there - live there, there's a stability and resistance against our enemies (people, circumstances, cancer, and etc.)
Now, if apparent blessings are evident in your life right now, you may have no trouble at all believing this. However; if you've had a life of trouble and even going through horrible circumstances now, then this concept is difficult to accept and quite honestly, easily dismissed.
Hang on and go a little further with me in diving into this "secret place" exploring.
1) The entry-way into this place is a simple, but genuine ACT OF FAITH. You must let go of all pre-conceived notions of Who God is and why He allows such evil in this world. He can't be defended, nor explained. Let go of this convoluted thinking that the enemy has planted and grown in your heart and mind to keep you from experiencing what God has for YOU right here, right now and forever in a life with Him.
2) When you release your heart's struggle and those "But God...." questions, there's a freedom that settles in your heart. As you give up, into Him saying . . . "I don't at all understand Your ways, but I surrender to YOU LORD trusting You as my Savior from it all. I believe by faith, that You defeated sin with your death & resurrection on the cross - even though I see evil all around me. I'm done with trying to figure things out, and I just release my heart and mind to You as an act of my will."
1) As you offer your tangled heart and emotions to God, you will come to know - again, by FAITH - that nothing, not one thing in this life will be lost in Him. It's when you hang on to these hurts and disappointments, that you lose it all. Jesus gave His word.
"Whoever loses his life for My sake will find it"
(Matt. 10:39 NIV).
2) Trusting God by releasing your troubles that are holding you captive, will result in eternal rewards & blessings that far outweigh any and every angst that you have experienced here on earth.
"Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later" (Romans 8:18 NLT).
In the terrible events you are perhaps going through RIGHT NOW, can you just practice a little delayed Spiritual gratification?
God has promised, and that means you have His Word - that He will far outweigh your present suffering with glories - far beyond compare - to the heartache you are experiencing.
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You must AND YOU WILL bow down to Him - either now in this life, or in the life after earth time. Choosing Him NOW will not answer all your questions, but will make you victorious, anyway.
Avoiding the "now" and proclaiming Him later will result in eternal separation from God and from ALL those who have chosen to be in relationship with Him in this life.
"For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue will give praise to God"
(Romans 14:11 HCSB)
Not scare tactics, simply TRUTH - whether you agree, or not.
Living in the SECRET PLACE will change your life here - and simply blow you away in the life ahead!